How To Protect Mango Trees From Winter

Mango trees are an ideal addition to any garden or landscape for their beauty, shade and delicious fruit harvest that tastes similar to a peach. The tree grows best in tropical climates planted outdoors, but can be grown in other climates from different varieties. It is important to protect not just mango trees, but all fruit trees from winter and frosts. There are some key things to remember when preparing a mango tree for winter.

Step 1

Mulch around the base of the mango tree in mid-fall before the first frost. Use wood chips or straw, and lay a thick layer (about 3 inches) not only around the base but extending a couple of feet outward from the tree as well.

Step 2

Water the mango tree only once every week or two from late fall throughout the winter. Before an expected freeze, water the soil well and lay some more mulch on top of that. This helps raise heat from the ground, warming the tree.

  • Mango trees are an ideal addition to any garden or landscape for their beauty, shade and delicious fruit harvest that tastes similar to a peach.

Step 3

Protect the mango from freezing temperatures by draping a blanket over the tree completely, tightening it around the bottom of the base of the tree with a bungee cord or tightly pulled rope.

Step 4

Add even more warmth by covering the blanket on top with Christmas lights wrapped around the tree like a decoration. Or, you can place a 60-watt outdoor light underneath the blanket next to the tree.

Two Mango Trees?

It's a wonder it wasn't the mango that caused trouble in Eden given the vast range of sensual pleasures the tree offers. Think dense, tropical foliage and glossy, dark-green leaves. Imagine rounded, juicy fruit in vibrant sunset hues of scarlet, orange and yellow. But with mango trees, one is enough. The mango was beloved and even revered in its native Asia before destiny, in the form of Buddhist monks, expanded its range to Malaya. It's just more convenient with mangoes since each tree is monoecious, producing both male and female flowers. Generally, about a quarter of the mango flowers on one tree will contain male reproductive organs, while the other flowers contain both male and female reproductive organs, which is termed hermaphroditic. You should consider more than production when you choose a cultivar. Compare the disease resistance and hardiness of the tree, and the quality and color of the fruit.

  • Protect the mango from freezing temperatures by draping a blanket over the tree completely, tightening it around the bottom of the base of the tree with a bungee cord or tightly pulled rope.
  • It's just more convenient with mangoes since each tree is monoecious, producing both male and female flowers.

Things Needed

  • Mulch
  • Water
  • Blanket
  • 60-watt outdoor lights
  • Christmas lights
