What Fruit Trees Can Grow In Pennsylvania?

Although fruit trees can be grown most of the year in warm regions such as southern California and Florida, they also can be grown successfully during spring and summer months in Pennsylvania. Harvest time is typically in early fall. Apples and peaches are the top fruits grown in Pennsylvania, but you'll also see cherry trees and pear trees growing there.

Apple Trees

The leading fruit tree grown in Pennsylvania is the apple. The state ranks fourth in the nation in growing apples, according to the Stuff About States website. Cultivars grown in Pennsylvania include Gala, McIntosh, Granny Smith, Jonathan, Golden Delicious, Ultra Gold, Fuji and Paul Red.

Peach Trees

Peach trees are also widely grown in Pennsylvania. However, peach production is still limited because of an extensive insect problem. The state offers a large variety of peaches, with Red Haven peaches top of the list. Red Haven produces creamy-yellow fruit with almost fuzzless skin. Some of the other varieties recommended by Pennsylvania State University include Candor, Garnet Beauty, Glenglo, Relianc, Harbrite, Redkist and Beekman.

  • Although fruit trees can be grown most of the year in warm regions such as southern California and Florida, they also can be grown successfully during spring and summer months in Pennsylvania.

Pear Trees

Pears are very tolerant of Pennsylvania's sometimes poorly drained soil. The Cleveland pear is ideal for front yards, roads and entryways. It produces an explosion of pure white flowers each spring. The Cleveland pear tree is hardy and can tolerate harsh weather conditions including ice, snow and wind. Because of this fruit tree's strong resilience, there's little maintenance.

Balaton Cherry Trees

Tart cherry trees such as Balatons grow in the northern third of the United States, as long as temperatures do not dip below -20 F, according to the Maes Research website. Extremely cold temperatures can cause severe trunk damage that can result in the death of a tree. For best fruit production, tart cherry trees should be planted on sloped ground that's slightly higher, rather than in cold pockets of air in lower areas. Balaton cherry trees need full sun and well-drained, light soil. Because the Balaton is a self-fertile tree it doesn't need to planted with a pollinator tree

  • Pears are very tolerant of Pennsylvania's sometimes poorly drained soil.
  • The Cleveland pear tree is hardy and can tolerate harsh weather conditions including ice, snow and wind.

Danube Cherry Trees

The Danube cherry tree, which also does well in Pennsylvania, produces large, dark cherries. The Danube fruit is semi-firm and has a tasty sweet-tart flavor. The Danube is a natural dwarf tree which is also self-pollinating and does not need to be planted with a pollinator tree.
