How To Take Care Of A Malva Sylvestris Plant

Malva sylvestris is a member of the Malvaceae family and is sometimes known as tree mallow or rose mallow. Considered an annual in zones 4 to 8, this plant does self-seed, so to some it might be considered a perennial or biennial. Malva is a bushy plant with flowers that resemble hollyhocks, and blooms from late summer into fall. Colors include pink, purple, deep red and white.

Planting and Care of Malva Sylvestris

Step 1

When planting either seeds or plants, choose a spot with full sun. Planting should be done in the spring. Spacing should be at least 2 feet apart for container-grown plants. Plantlings need plenty of water.

  • Malva sylvestris is a member of the Malvaceae family and is sometimes known as tree mallow or rose mallow.
  • Spacing should be at least 2 feet apart for container-grown plants.

Step 2

To avoid overcrowding, small plants can be thinned out by either digging them and transplanting to an alternate site or discarding them.

Step 3

During the blooming season and when plants reach 1 foot in height, trim the ends of the branches to increase bushy growth.

Step 4

During the summer months, Malva doesn't require much water. It is a pretty drought-tolerant plant once established.

Step 5

To increase flower bloom, deadhead the spent flowers. Taller varieties mgith need staking, and some are prone to insects, such as Japanese beetles.

Things Needed

  • Seeds or container-grown plants
  • Trowel or shovel
  • Water


  • Pick the Right Plant; Time-Life Books; 1998
  • Annual Gardening; June Hutson; 1995
