How To Prune River Birch Trees

The river birch is a medium-sized deciduous tree extending from New England, west to Kansas. Used as a forest buffer and to assist in erosion control along stream banks, the river birch also provides food for many bird species, including grouse and white-tailed dear. River birch bark is light brown to buff in color and thin like paper. The leaves are double serrated and wedge-shaped with sharp points. The river birch is found growing along swamps and prefers fertile and moist soils with a pH between 4.0 and 6.5. It requires full sun and is very intolerant of shade.

Step 1

Prune the river birch in the summer months after sap production has ended. River birch trees are "bleeders" and cannot be cut or pruned while the tree is producing sap. Pruning in summer will produce hardy growth the following season.

  • The river birch is a medium-sized deciduous tree extending from New England, west to Kansas.
  • River birch trees are "bleeders" and cannot be cut or pruned while the tree is producing sap.

Step 2

Remove the top stems of the birch using pruning shears. Maintain one strong shoot leader to encourage the birch to grow tall and straight. Cut back all side or lateral branches that are twisted and weak.

Step 3

Remove all damaged or diseased stems and branches by cutting off the entire branch. Remove all insect-infected branches to avoid infecting the tree.

Step 4

Prune young river birch trees to one main branch, keeping two or three saplings on either side. Remove all sucker shoots, which stem from the base of the tree to free up available nutrients for the main sapling branch.

  • Remove the top stems of the birch using pruning shears.
  • Remove all damaged or diseased stems and branches by cutting off the entire branch.

Step 5

Periodically check your tree to ensure it's strong and healthy. River birch trees are prone to aphid infestation in the early spring, so if you suspect an infestation, contact your local county extension office.

Prune A River Birch Tree

The river birch tree is known for its beautiful peeling bark that is generally cinnamon in color. Do not begin trimming if the birch trees have started growing leaves. Choose pruning shears for branches that are less than an inch wide and use a tree handsaw or a pruning pole saw for removing large branches. Use a black magic marker to make identifying branches easier before you start trimming branches on your river birch tree. Thinning out the branches on your river birch trees will open up their canopies and allow more sunlight for proper nutrients and reduce stress. Mark the branch that you desire to prune 3 to 4 inches away from the trunk on your river birch trees with your marker. Select the proper tool for your branch thickness for pruning your river birch tree. Notch the top of the branch and then make another notch underneath. Saw or cut the branch on the marked line.

  • Periodically check your tree to ensure it's strong and healthy.
  • Use a black magic marker to make identifying branches easier before you start trimming branches on your river birch tree.


Fertilize young river birch trees in late winter before the new saplings appear to ensure healthy and hardy growth the following season.
