How To Move A Lavender Plant

Lavender is a popular addition to any garden or landscape, for its vibrant purple blooms, pleasant aroma and easy maintenance. Whether you need to transplant your lavender plant from one garden spot to another, or if you are moving and wish to take the plant with you, there are some important things to keep in mind when moving lavender.

Step 1

Use a shovel to dig up the entire lavender plant in as simple a manner as possible. Insert the tip of the shovel straight down about 5 inches from the base of the lavender plant, then try to dig straight under the lavender plant. The point is to get under the plant, then push it up out of the ground. Do your best not to sever any roots, and keep the clumps of dirt around the root ball, and do this when the soil is dry.

Step 2

Place the uprooted lavender plant into a plastic bag, wrapping it around the roots and dirt. Place this in a planter pot in order to move the plant. Protect the top of the plant if necessary with another plastic bag.

  • Lavender is a popular addition to any garden or landscape, for its vibrant purple blooms, pleasant aroma and easy maintenance.
  • Insert the tip of the shovel straight down about 5 inches from the base of the lavender plant, then try to dig straight under the lavender plant.

Step 3

Prepare the new planting site by digging a large hole for the root ball. The hole should be about 1-1/2 times larger then the lavender plant's root ball.

Step 4

Put the lavender plant into the hole and use fresh potting soil to replant it. Mulch with compost around the base of the lavender plant, but don't let the mulch actually touch the trunk.

Step 5

Water the lavender plant generously for about 10 minutes to make sure the water soaks deep into the roots and around the root ball. This will help establish the plant in its new location.


Make sure the lavender plant is at least three months old before transplanting. Select a place with proper drainage to transplant the lavender, as the main reason lavender transplants fail is poor soil drainage. Prune the plant as you normally would at the end of the season.

Things Needed

  • Gardening gloves
  • Shovel
  • Planter pot
  • Plastic bags
  • Potting soil
  • Mulch
