Facts About Fruit Seeds

Seeds are the means by which plants reproduce and grow. They usually develop in the fruit of a plant, the ovules, which form inside the pistil of a flower. In most cases, fertilization must occur for the ovule to develop into a seed. Once the seeds develop and are dispersed, they can grow and produce more fruit.


The main function of a fruit seed is to grow and develop into a plant that will, in turn, produce fruit.


The two classes of seeds, monocot and dicot, are based on the number of cotyledons or modified seed leaves.


There are three primary parts of a seed. They are the endosperm, the embryo and the seed coat.

  • Seeds are the means by which plants reproduce and grow.
  • They usually develop in the fruit of a plant, the ovules, which form inside the pistil of a flower.

Interesting Fact

Strawberries are the only fruit in which the seeds develop on the outside of the fruit.


Seeds travel by way of dispersion. Dispersion enables the seed to find a suitable location away from the parent plant to grow and develop.


Some fruit seeds are edible. The coconut is an example of a fruit seed that can be eaten.
