What Type Of Soil Does An Oak Tree Grow In?

The oak tree is a deciduous tree that can grow to heights of 100+ feet in height with an equally expansive crown spread. This large tree is often referred to as the Majestic Oak and can live more than 200 years. This long lifespan is directly related to the type of soil in which it is planted, as it requires very little care after it is established.

Step 1

Plant the oak tree in a location that provides at least eight hours of direct sunlight, good air ventilation, and nutrient rich soil. The soil's nutrients are essential for the tree's development. The nutrient combination should include a good combination of magnesium, calcium, potassium, nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur. The tree will use the combination of nutrients, along with the sunlight and water to produce the nutrients that it needs to grow strong and healthy.

  • The oak tree is a deciduous tree that can grow to heights of 100+ feet in height with an equally expansive crown spread.
  • The tree will use the combination of nutrients, along with the sunlight and water to produce the nutrients that it needs to grow strong and healthy.

Step 2

Test your soil's pH levels and match them to the specific oak tree selection. There are several different kinds of oak tree, including the Northern Red, Live, Southern Red, White, and Willow, to name a few. Though the oak tree is a very adaptable tree, each variation requires a certain degree of acidity in its soil. The general oak tree pH levels should rest between 3.6 and 7.0. However, the exact requirements will be determined by the type of oak that is selected.

Step 3

Ensure that the oak tree's soil is well irrigated. The average mature oak tree will consume more than 50 gallons of water per day. Therefore, a well drained location is not necessary. Still, the tree's consumption requires that the tree receive ample amounts of water to ensure vigorous and healthy growth. Young trees should be watered regularly to help with establishment. The tree will grow an extensively deep taproot which will allow the mature tree to pull water from the ground, compensating for any lack of water between rainfalls.

  • Test your soil's pH levels and match them to the specific oak tree selection.
  • The tree will grow an extensively deep taproot which will allow the mature tree to pull water from the ground, compensating for any lack of water between rainfalls.

Step 4

Fertilize your tree's soil to improve the soil's acidity levels and nutrients. Use a well balanced fertilizer that contains a combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. This combination of nutrients will help produce chlorophyll, improve rigidity, regulate functions, and increase proteins. Oak trees that lack deep green foliage or seem to be stunted can be improved with high levels of nitrogen. In this case, use a 30-10-10 combination will be quite helpful for the tree.

Things Needed

  • Oak Tree
  • Water
  • Fertilizer
  • pH Soil Tester
