How To Prune Peace Lilies

Peace lilies are popular houseplants, despite being a challenge for many gardeners to grow successfully. In order to have a thriving peace lily plant, the environment must be ideal. Peace lilies require strong indirect light and consistent temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees F. Peace lilies also need regular water so that the soil is constantly damp but not saturated. Keep the peace lily healthy by performing regular light pruning to remove discolored leaves and spent blossoms. Gardeners who succeed in coaxing a peace lily to bloom should be proud of this achievement.

Step 1

Check the peace lily at least once per week to find dead or dying leaves. When you find these leaves, clip them off at the point of the first leaf node under the leaf you are removing. Discard the cut leaves and stems.

  • Peace lilies are popular houseplants, despite being a challenge for many gardeners to grow successfully.

Step 2

Remove any spent flowers by cutting off both the flower and as much of the stalk as possible. Discard the cut bloom and stalk.

Step 3

Examine the peace lily leaves to find leaves with outer edges that are discoloring or shriveling. If you find leaves like this, use the scissors to trim off the edges. Follow the natural shape of the leaves with the scissors and trim off the undesired outer portion of the leaves. Discard the trimmed away portion of the leaves.

Types Of Peace Lilies

"Power Petite" is a good choice for growing as a houseplant or in a small pot, as it grows to an average height of only about 15 inches. It has dark, very shiny leaves. " Wallisii" is another dwarf peace lily that averages about 15 inches in height, with 10-inch-long, rippled leaves. The majority of peace lilies are used as floor plants or border plants in the garden. This plant reaches a maximum height of between 3 and 4 feet and has true green, glossy leaves that can be up to 9 inches wide. " The broad, ribbed leaves are 20 inches long. " Sensation Mini" is a similar, slightly smaller cultivar. " Domino" is the only variegated peace lily.

  • Remove any spent flowers by cutting off both the flower and as much of the stalk as possible.
  • Power Petite" is a good choice for growing as a houseplant or in a small pot, as it grows to an average height of only about 15 inches.

Things Needed

  • Pruning shears
  • Sharp scissors


It is important to remove the blooms as they start to fade. If you leave the spent flowers on the peace lily, new leaves that grow will be smaller than average because the plant will be using energy to produce flowers and not to produce leaves.


Prune the peace lily regularly throughout the entire year.
