How To Cut Back A Perennial Hollyhock Flower

Hollyhocks are old and lovely plants that look great in farm and cottage gardens. They have tall stalks, reaching six to eight feet in height, covered in colorful blooms. While hollyhocks are biennials, they can be treated as perennials and will grow back for several years if they are properly cared for. Cutting back perennial hollyhocks is what helps these lovely flowers survive for more than two years.

Step 1

Allow your perennial hollyhocks to bloom. If your hollyhocks do not flower in the first year, do not pull them out. Wait until the second year and they should flower.

  • Hollyhocks are old and lovely plants that look great in farm and cottage gardens.

Step 2

Cut the perennial hollyhock in half after it has bloomed for the first time. This should happen sometime in the spring. Remove all the blooms from the hollyhock at this time.

Step 3

Cut the hollyhock in half again after it flowers for a second time. This should happen sometime in the early the summer. Remove all the blooms from the plant.

Step 4

Cut the perennial hollyhock down after it has finished flowering, leaving two to three inches of stem sticking out of the ground. This should only be done once the hollyhock's growing season is over, in middle or late summer.

  • Cut the perennial hollyhock in half after it has bloomed for the first time.
  • This should only be done once the hollyhock's growing season is over, in middle or late summer.

Step 5

Cover the ground around the perennial hollyhock with mulch to protect it for the winter. This will allow the hollyhock to grow back the following year.

Cut Back A Perennial Hollyhock Flower?

Combine one part bleach and nine parts water in a bucket. Remove the entire infected leaf or stem back to its base, and then dispose of the plant material so that it doesn't spread the fungal spores to nearby healthy hollyhocks. Avoid composting infected plant material, as this may spread the disease. Continue to prune out old flower stalks and those showing fungal disease symptoms as needed. Cut back the entire hollyhock plant after it finishes flowering.

  • Cover the ground around the perennial hollyhock with mulch to protect it for the winter.

Things Needed

  • Pruning shears
  • Mulch


If you do not cut back the perennial hollyhocks, they may not grow back the following year.


Perennial hollyhocks self-seed if the flowers are left on the plant.
