What Is The Scientific Name For A Poplar Tree?

The scientific name for any poplar tree species begins with the Latin "populus", meaning "multitude." The species name follows this genus name, such as in "Populus angusti-folia—the narrow leaf poplar. They belong to the Salicaceae family.

Control A Poplar Tree

Cut down the poplar tree with a chainsaw after it leafs out in the spring, if it is less than 20 feet tall and you feel comfortable using a rope to pull it down where it can safely fall without hitting any structures. Otherwise, have the tree professionally felled. Cut suckers that you cannot pull by hand down to 2 inches above the ground with pruning shears or a saw in summer, when the suckers have leaves and are actively growing. Brush away any sawdust on the stump and paint the surface with the herbicide solution. Make sure you cover the outer 20 percent of the cut surface, as this is the part of the tree that transfers water and nutrients. Restart herbicidal applications in late spring or early summer if necessary.

  • The scientific name for any poplar tree species begins with the Latin "populus", meaning "multitude." Cut suckers that you cannot pull by hand down to 2 inches above the ground with pruning shears or a saw in summer, when the suckers have leaves and are actively growing.
