How To Winterize Creeping Jenny

Creeping Jenny is thought to be invasive in most of the United States. However, many people still plant it in their gardens because it makes nice ground cover. It is hardy through zones 2 to 10, so it can stand a lot of climate variety. In warmer climates, creeping Jenny is an evergreen instead of a perennial. However, in colder climates, winterizing creeping Jenny is needed. Winter care for creeping Jenny is very simple though.

Step 1

Continue watering creeping Jenny as normal until the ground freezes. Creeping Jenny likes moist soil and thrives in damp environments. If your creeping Jenny is in a drier part of your garden, add extra water as winter approaches. If your creeping Jenny grows near a pond, no extra steps are needed.

  • Creeping Jenny is thought to be invasive in most of the United States.
  • If your creeping Jenny is in a drier part of your garden, add extra water as winter approaches.

Step 2

Trim back creeping Jenny's flowers if any are remaining. Also trim off any dead or damaged foliage. Leave only the green foliage on your creeping Jenny.

Step 3

Spread your creeping Jenny over other perennials after the first frost if they are nearby. Creeping Jenny will act as a natural mulch and keep the ground warm for the flowers beneath it. Remember to remove the creeping Jenny in the spring before if takes root and crowds out your other flowers.

Step 4

Allow creeping Jenny to die back naturally in the cold and leave it alone. In USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 5b and lower, creeping Jenny turns brown for the winter, but it will come alive again in the spring.

  • Trim back creeping Jenny's flowers if any are remaining.
  • Remember to remove the creeping Jenny in the spring before if takes root and crowds out your other flowers.

Step 5

Stop watering creeping Jenny once the ground has frozen. Do not water it again until the ground thaws out in the spring.

Creeping Jenny Weeds

Creeping Jenny plants look similar to morning glories and are often called wild or perennial morning glories. The flowers are smaller than morning glories, trumpet-shaped and white to purplish white in color. Make sure that the sheets of fabric overlap to prevent the weeds from emerging between them. It can take three years or more to kill the roots with the use of landscape fabric and three to five years when using mulch. Herbicides suppress creeping Jenny, but herbicides alone won't eradicate the weed. This herbicide is only available to homeowners in combination with other herbicides. Read the label carefully to make sure the product you choose is safe to use on lawns.

  • Stop watering creeping Jenny once the ground has frozen.
  • It can take three years or more to kill the roots with the use of landscape fabric and three to five years when using mulch.


Creeping Jenny should be pruned back first thing in the spring before if invades your yard.


Creeping Jenny has a very extensive root system and it takes far more than a cold winter to kill it.
