How To Transplant Bottle Brush

Things Needed

  • Shovel
  • Compost
  • Peat
  • Water
  • Fertilizer

Bottle brush grows well in the tropical and subtropical regions of the U.S. and is known to be quite hardy. Despite their hardiness, full-grown plants do not transplant well. When growing a bottle brush, it's best to plant the tree in a permanent location. The chances of a full-grown plant dying when transplanted are quite high. It is best to transplant plants grown in containers.

Transplanting a Bottle Brush Growing in a Container

Step 1

Clear the planting area of any weeds or grass that might be growing there. If an herbicide was used to kill the vegetation, wait at least two weeks before planting the bottle brush.

  • Bottle brush grows well in the tropical and subtropical regions of the U.S. and is known to be quite hardy.
  • If an herbicide was used to kill the vegetation, wait at least two weeks before planting the bottle brush.

Step 2

Amend the soil with compost or peat if the area is strictly sandy and has no organic matter in it. Be sure the planting area's soil in not too dense and drains very well. Bottle brush are tolerant to poor soil conditions but will rot if living in flooded conditions.

Step 3

Dig a hole that is twice as big around as the root ball, but is no deeper than the container. Place the bottle brush in the hole at the same height it was in the container. Planting the bottle brush too deep in the soil can weaken the tree.

Step 4

Fill the hole halfway up with soil. Stomp on it to remove any air pockets and firm it up around the tree trunk. Fill the remainder of the hole up with soil and stomp on it again.

  • Amend the soil with compost or peat if the area is strictly sandy and has no organic matter in it.
  • Planting the bottle brush too deep in the soil can weaken the tree.

Step 5

Water the newly planted bottle brush well. Continue watering the newly planted tree two to three times per week for the first three weeks. Depending on the weather conditions, continue regularly watering the bottle brush one to two times per week until it has established itself.

Transplanting a Bottle Brush Growing in the Ground

Step 1

Fertilize the bottle brush well the season before you intend on transplanting it. Treat the tree for any pest problems it may have. Get the tree in the best health possible before you attempt to move it.

Step 2

Dig around the outer roots of the bottle brush the season before you plan to transplant it. For every inch of tree trunk, dig out one foot from the trunk. For example, if your tree's trunk is two inches in diameter, dig out 24 inches around the trunk section. This will harden up the root system to prepare it for the transplant.

  • Water the newly planted bottle brush well.
  • Fertilize the bottle brush well the season before you intend on transplanting it.

Step 3

Prepare your new planting area. Remove any weeds or grass from the area and amend the soil with organic matter.

Step 4

Dig around the base of the tree where you made your dig to harden off the roots. Continue digging until you have as much of the root system you can get.

Step 5

Water the planting hole and place the tree in it. Fill the hole with soil, stomping it down firmly. Be sure the tree is placed in the soil at the same height it was growing at the other location. Water the tree well and continue to keep the soil moist, but not flooded, for the next four weeks after the transplant. The tree will suffer shock from the transplant, but you should know in four to eight weeks whether the transplant was successful or not.

  • Prepare your new planting area.
  • Water the tree well and continue to keep the soil moist, but not flooded, for the next four weeks after the transplant.
