How To Remove Clay Soil

Things Needed

  • Rototiller
  • Compost
  • Manure
  • Lime
  • Sand
  • Peat moss
  • Wood chips
  • Grass clippings
  • Leaves
  • Red clover seeds
  • Straw


If you are going to plant a lawn, consider using a tractor with a plow to break the soil and having truckloads of amendments brought in.


Do not disturb the area by walking on it or attempting to plant in the first year.

Clay soil is laden with trace minerals and nutrients that benefit plants. However, it is difficult to work with because it is made up of fine particles that do not allow for water drainage or air flow. Clay soil becomes thick and sticky when wet and hard, almost impenetrable when it dries. You can amend the soil so that you can produce healthy plants and lawns. Amending clay soil is a long process, though not a difficult one.

Step 1

Set the rototiller to go to a depth of at least 8 inches. Till the area you have determined for your garden bed. Cover the area with layers of wood chips, grass clippings, leaves, straw and peat moss to at least 2 inches thick. Till the area to mix the amendments into the clay.

  • Clay soil is laden with trace minerals and nutrients that benefit plants.
  • However, it is difficult to work with because it is made up of fine particles that do not allow for water drainage or air flow.

Step 2

Layer compost, sand and manure 2 inches thick. Dust the area with a fine coating of lime. Till the area to thoroughly mix the amendments into the soil. Spread red clover seeds over the area and cover with straw.

Step 3

Mow the red clover before the flowers bloom. Leave the cuttings on the soil. Spread 2 inches of compost, sand, peat moss, wood chips, grass clippings and leaves over the entire area. Coat with a fine dusting of lime. Till the mixture into the soil. Allow the soil to winter over with a covering of straw.

  • Layer compost, sand and manure 2 inches thick.
  • Allow the soil to winter over with a covering of straw.

Step 4

In the spring, add a 2-inch layer of compost and till thoroughly into the soil. Begin planting your garden. Till spent plants into the soil and cover with straw for the winter.

