How To Care For A Reblooming Iris

Things Needed

  • Full sun location
  • Well-drained soil
  • 6-10-10 fertilizer


Reblooming iris might take up to three years to rebloom. Be patient with them. Keep the reblooming iris bed free of weeds.


Do not mulch around the iris. It may cause root rot. Iris borers might attack and kill reblooming iris. Insecticide or Murphy's Oil Soap will get rid of them.

Reblooming iris is a variety of bearded iris that is known to rebloom after its first initial bloom in the spring. While most iris go dormant in the summer, reblooming iris can give your garden quite a show with a second or third bloom. While reblooming iris care is quite simple, specific kinds of bearded iris rebloom in different climate zones. So if you want to grow reblooming iris,keep in mind the kind of iris you plant. Reblooming iris varieties are hardy through zones 3 to 10.

Step 1

Choose a variety of reblooming iris that is known to rebloom in your USDA zone.

Step 2

Choose a spot in your garden for the reblooming iris. Reblooming irises need full sun and well-drained, slightly acidic soil, pH 6.8. They can handle partial shade, but might not rebloom as readily.

  • Reblooming iris is a variety of bearded iris that is known to rebloom after its first initial bloom in the spring.

Step 3

Plant your reblooming iris in the spring. Dig a hole for the rhizomes about 2 to 3 inches deep. Place the roots in the hole while leaving the top half inch of the rhizomes exposed. The roots should face downward into the soil. Pat the soil down firmly and water for about 5 minutes.

Plant each reblooming iris 1 to 2 feet apart. ß

  • Plant your reblooming iris in the spring.
  • Place the roots in the hole while leaving the top half inch of the rhizomes exposed.

Step 4

Water reblooming irises that are under 6 months old about once a week for 5 minutes each watering. Be sure to water deeply. Once the reblooming iris is more than 6 months old, water it once every two to three weeks for 5 minutes each watering. Do not over water.

Step 5

Fertilize your reblooming iris in early spring and after the first bloom with a mixture of 6-10-10. Apply at the base and water.

Step 6

Prune your reblooming iris in the spring after the first bloom. Cut back the stalks all the way to the base, but leave the leaves alone. Remove any dead or diseased stalks or leaves.

  • Water reblooming irises that are under 6 months old about once a week for 5 minutes each watering.
  • Fertilize your reblooming iris in early spring and after the first bloom with a mixture of 6-10-10.

Divide the reblooming iris every three to four years in the spring.

Step 7

Winterize your reblooming iris in the fall after the first freeze. Cut back the leaves to about 6 inches from the base of the plant and cover the reblooming iris with 3 to 4 inches of mulch. Remove the mulch in early spring.
