How To Get Rid Of Bahia Grass

Things Needed

  • Lawn mower with bag
  • Shovel
  • Garbage bag
  • Growth regulating spray
  • Weed killer
  • Pump sprayer
  • Grass seed
  • Hose


Always dispose of grass clippings or diggings that may contain Bahia grass in a sealed garbage bag to avoid recontaminating your yard. Avoid spraying any desirable plants, shrubs or areas of your lawn with the weed killer, as it will cause them to die as well.


Wear a mask over your nose and mouth when spraying week killer to avoid breathing in harmful fumes. Wash your hands after dealing with weed killers. Keep animals and children off of the lawn until the weed killing spray has completely dried.

Bahia grass is a fast growing grass type that requires a lot of maintenance and upkeep. It is resistant to most adverse conditions, including disease and drought. Many individuals who choose a different type of grass for their lawn often want to purge this pest from their landscape. This process can prove to be difficult though, as Bahia grass is quite resilient. If you are ready to get rid of Bahia grass there are several options available.

Minimizing the Appearance

Step 1

Mow your yard frequently with a lawn mower that has a bag attachment. This will minimize the appearance of the Bahia grass in the lawn while preventing the spread of the grass seed.

  • Bahia grass is a fast growing grass type that requires a lot of maintenance and upkeep.
  • This will minimize the appearance of the Bahia grass in the lawn while preventing the spread of the grass seed.

Step 2

Empty the lawn mower bag directly into a garbage can and not somewhere else in the yard. Emptying the debris bag into the yard would further spread the undesired grass weed around the lawn.

Step 3

Apply a growth regulator to the entire lawn or just the patches of Bahia grass. This will minimize the appearance of the Bahia grass by slowing its growth in warm weather.

Killing the Bahia Grass

Step 1

Dig up the patches of Bahia grass with a shovel. This can be done for both large and small patches, but is not ideal when Bahia is the primary grass in your lawn.

Step 2

Spray a weed killing chemical evenly across the affected area of the yard. If the entire lawn is covered in Bahia grass, spread the weed killer evenly with a pump sprayer to make the job easier.

  • Empty the lawn mower bag directly into a garbage can and not somewhere else in the yard.
  • Apply a growth regulator to the entire lawn or just the patches of Bahia grass.

Step 3

Replace the Bahia grass with new grass seed of your choice once the weed killer has run its course. This will allow new grass to grow and will push out any remnants of Bahia grass that may remain.


Step 1

Wash your lawn mower after mowing any areas outside of your main lawn that contain Bahia grass. Also clean your mower after cutting an area of your yard that has Bahia grass and before mowing areas that are unaffected.

Step 2

Watch the potting soil or topsoil that you bring in from outside sources. This is one of the easiest ways to infect your lawn with Bahia grass. If you notice this type of grass coming up in the potting soil then dispose of it and purchase a new stock.

  • Replace the Bahia grass with new grass seed of your choice once the weed killer has run its course.
  • Also clean your mower after cutting an area of your yard that has Bahia grass and before mowing areas that are unaffected.

Step 3

Keep your lawn disease free and well maintained to avoid new weeds and Bahia grass from invading the area. A healthy lawn with full grass will choke out any potential invaders.

