How To Store Leeks
Leeks are members of the onion family and include several varieties, such as large American flag, King Richard and jolant. No matter which kind of leeks you have, they can be stored in a similar manner and for several months after purchasing or harvesting.
Step 1
Store leeks during the winter while they're still in the garden. Cover the planting sites with more soil and several inches of mulch. If you live in an extremely cold area, you will have to harvest them for storage.
Step 2
Store your harvested leeks at 32 degrees Fahrenheit in high humidity (95 to 100 percent). Alternatively, you can bury leeks in cold (32 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit), wet sand. If you store leeks in this kind of environment, they will stay fresh for at least 2 to 3 months, if not longer.
- Leeks are members of the onion family and include several varieties, such as large American flag, King Richard and jolant.
- No matter which kind of leeks you have, they can be stored in a similar manner and for several months after purchasing or harvesting.
Step 3
Store fresh leeks in the refrigerator. Seal them unwashed in a plastic bag, and they will keep for about a week.
Leeks Go To Seed
Familiarize yourself with the complete life cycle of leeks. Unlike hybrids, open-pollinated varieties will "breed true" — that is, the offspring will easily retain most of the parent organism's traits, including traits that promote hardiness. Heirloom, open-pollinated leeks include Blue Solaise, Giant Musselburgh and Lyon Prizetaker. Choose the healthiest, most vigorous plants. Leeks are extremely cold-hardy. They can survive even subzero temperatures. Still, depending on your local climate, you may want to give them some protection, especially from wide temperature swings, with a layer of leaf or straw. Permit the overwintered leeks to go to flower in the spring. Allow the flowers to turn into pods full of black seeds. Pluck the pods when half of them have started to open.
- Store fresh leeks in the refrigerator.
- Unlike hybrids, open-pollinated varieties will "breed true" — that is, the offspring will easily retain most of the parent organism's traits, including traits that promote hardiness.
Things Needed
- Mulch
- Plastic bag
- Refrigerator
- Soil