How To Store Beets

Things Needed

  • Knife
  • Plastic bags
  • Cooking pot
  • Containers
  • Dehydrator
  • Pickle juice
  • Pickling jars

Beets are generally available all year in your local grocery store or market. However, they can also be grown in the home garden. After harvesting beets—when the they reach a diameter of about 1 1/2 to 3 inches—you can store them several different ways. Beets are extremely versatile vegetables that can be stored fresh, cooked, dried or pickled.

Step 1

Place unwashed beets under 2 inches of soil, such as sand, and store them in a root cellar, if you have one. The soil or sand should be damp. The beets will store through the winter this way. Keep the stems and greens attached.

  • Beets are generally available all year in your local grocery store or market.
  • However, they can also be grown in the home garden.

Step 2

Cut off the greens and stems from freshly harvested beets if you are storing them in the refrigerator. By cutting them off, the beets can be stored longer since they will be absorbing all the moisture. Leave about 2-inch stems on the beets, and store them in the crisper in your refrigerator for up to four weeks. Do not wash them first.

Step 3

Place the cut greens in a sealed plastic bag, if desired. They will stay fresh for about four days. You can also blanch the greens, dip them in icy cold water and then freeze them. The greens make great additions to soup.

  • Cut off the greens and stems from freshly harvested beets if you are storing them in the refrigerator.

Step 4

Boil the beets until they are tender if you are storing them cooked. Peel the beets and remove any remaining stems after cooking. Keep cooked beets in the refrigerator in a sealed container or sealed plastic bag for up to one week. You can also freeze cooked beets in a freezer-safe bag or container. Frozen beets can be stored for a year.

Step 5

Dry cooked and peeled beets in a dehydrator and store them in a dry, cool place.

Step 6

Pickle cooked and peeled beets in pickle juice and store them in the refrigerator. Pickled beets will keep for about a year, if not longer.

  • Boil the beets until they are tender if you are storing them cooked.
