How Do Aloe Vera Plants Reproduce?

Aloe vera plants are evergreen succulents that grow in a layered spiral form, from which long triangular spiked foliage emerges. Aloe vera plants produce foliage offsets or baby plants adjacent to the parent plant. They also produce tall, seeded flower spikes in the spring or at unpredictable intervals.

Flower & Seed Production

Aloe vera flowers are tall with multiple yellow or pale orange florets that taper up the stem. Birds and insects pollinate the flowers, which begins the development of the seed pod as the florets fade. As the seed pod matures, it will desiccate and break open, releasing the seeds to the ground soil and to the wind.

Aloe vera seeds are winged in form, so they have some ability to travel and self sow at a distance from the original plant. The seeds can be captured by bagging the seed pod for targeted planting.

  • Aloe vera plants are evergreen succulents that grow in a layered spiral form, from which long triangular spiked foliage emerges.
  • Aloe vera seeds are winged in form, so they have some ability to travel and self sow at a distance from the original plant.

Off Sets & Colony Formation

Aloe vera offsets, or baby plants, form around the parent plant in a colony formation. Offsets can be allowed to grow in place and multiply, or can be separated from the parent plant and potted or transplanted elsewhere. Offsets form on varying time frames specific to the plant and growing conditions.
