Plants That Flower All Year Round

With the right mixture of plants, you can have colorful gardens and landscapes all year. By growing flowers that bloom all year, you cut down on costs typically accrued with seasonal plants, which eventually die back. Use flowering plants like yellow bells to add color along a garden walkway or yard. Plants that flower all year typically require full sun, so make sure the planting site receives at least six hours of sun daily. To minimize watering and retain moisture during the summer, sprinkle mulch around the base of the plants.


Primarily found in the tropical regions of Africa and the Americas, Euphorbia bears beautiful flowers all year round. With more than 100 varieties, each flower of the Euphorbia can last up to four months. A few varieties have flowers that change color as the plant grows and matures, making them a very exotic addition to any garden or landscape. They only require water every other week, making them very low-maintenance plants.

  • With the right mixture of plants, you can have colorful gardens and landscapes all year.
  • A few varieties have flowers that change color as the plant grows and matures, making them a very exotic addition to any garden or landscape.

Yellow Bell

Yellow bell, also knows as Allamanda, is a tropical shrub or vine that grows along riverbanks and open sunny spots. They do not tolerate shade or alkaline soils. The trumpet-shaped flowers range from 5 to 7.5 centimeters in diameter. Colors include purple, pink, orange and white and their scent is very fruity. Once the yellow bell begins to flower, it never stops.


Santan is an ornamental plant that flowers all year and requires little maintenance. Santan is one of the oldest flowering plants, originating from the Philippines. The average height is 1 to 4 meters. Flower colors are vast and include yellow, red, tangerine, pink and white. Once their roots have been established in the ground, the plants require little water.

  • Yellow bell, also knows as Allamanda, is a tropical shrub or vine that grows along riverbanks and open sunny spots.
  • Once their roots have been established in the ground, the plants require little water.


Kalatsutsi is a small deciduous shrub with oblong-shaped leaves. Its stem is smooth and shiny with copious white and yellow funnel-shaped flowers that bloom all year. Extremely fragrant, the kalatsutsi is used to make perfume. Kalatsutsi is also used frequently in homeopathic remedies ranging from toothaches to heat stroke.

