How To Care For Salvia

Things Needed

  • Glass or plastic vials
  • Well-drained soil
  • Fertilizer
  • Mister


Transplant the salvia as soon as it starts to outgrow its pot, as the roots need plenty of growing space. Ask the advice of your local garden nursery experts if you have questions about the health of your salvia, and be prepared to take a leaf or flower cutting to them so they can determine the health of your plant.

Salvia plants are also known as Diviner's Mint, Sally-D or Lady Salvia. Salvia comes in many different varieties, colors and sizes, and most can be grown indoors or outdoors under proper growing conditions. The plant, used for its medicinal healing properties, is also known as a strong and natural hallucinogen. A type of sage plant, the salvia genus includes more than 700 different species. Most species are not grown for their medicinal effects but for their beauty and color, but all require a bit of special care, depending on your climate and environment.

Step 1

Root small cuttings of salvia in a humid environment. Bathrooms are excellent locations to start cuttings, and small glass or plastic vials are often suggested for optimal growth of roots. Cuttings of salvia should be allowed to root at least two weeks.

  • Salvia plants are also known as Diviner's Mint, Sally-D or Lady Salvia.
  • Bathrooms are excellent locations to start cuttings, and small glass or plastic vials are often suggested for optimal growth of roots.

Step 2

Plant salvia in well-drained soil to discourage root rot. Fertilizer can be added occasionally to enhance the nutrients of the soil, which should be watered frequently. The salvia plant will start to droop at the first signs of dehydration, making it easy to know when the plant needs water. Spray leaves on a daily basis with a water mister, especially on hot summer days.

Step 3

Plant your salvia in partial shade for outdoor growing. Protect the salvia from cold winds or frost conditions to ensure that they bloom year after year. Fresh air, circulation and the ability to dry thoroughly after a rain are some of the best conditions for healthy salvia growth and optimal flowering.

  • Plant salvia in well-drained soil to discourage root rot.
  • The salvia plant will start to droop at the first signs of dehydration, making it easy to know when the plant needs water.

Step 4

Pluck or gently wash slugs and worms off your salvia if they are visible. These pests like salvia roots and will damage leaves, stems and stalks. Avoid spraying salvia plants with direct spray from a hose, so as not to damage the plant's leaves.

Step 5

Place potted salvia plants away from frost or cold. They won't thrive and grow in cold weather conditions, and salvia plants grown outdoors should be brought inside if temperatures are near freezing. Salvia plants also like a bit of sunlight, but not full sun. At least a couple hours of indirect sunlight on a daily basis will keep your salvia happy.

  • Pluck or gently wash slugs and worms off your salvia if they are visible.
  • They won't thrive and grow in cold weather conditions, and salvia plants grown outdoors should be brought inside if temperatures are near freezing.

