How To Plant Seedless Grapes

Seedless grapes are a mutation propagated by planting buds; they cannot be grown from seed. They are self-pollinating, so you will only need one vine to produce grapes. Most varieties of seedless grapes are hardy to zone 5. Canadice and Einset are well-known varieties with proven winter hardiness.

Step 1

Choose an appropriate location to plant your seedless grapes. The vines like full sun and well-drained, slightly acidic soil. (Reference 1)

  • Seedless grapes are a mutation propagated by planting buds; they cannot be grown from seed.

Step 2

Plant your seedless grapes in early spring, just as the soil thaws. Dig a hole 8 to 12 inches deep and 1 foot wide. Place the vine in the hole and cover it with soil. Pat the soil down firmly. Space your vines 6 to 8 feet apart. (Reference 1)

Step 3

Fertilize your seedless grapes with 1/2 cup of water-soluble 10-10-10 fertilizer one month after planting. (Reference 1)

  • Plant your seedless grapes in early spring, just as the soil thaws.
  • Space your vines 6 to 8 feet apart.
  • (

Step 4

Train your grapes by tying the two strongest leads to a stake or trellis with twine. (Reference 2)

Step 5

Water your seedless grapes once a week for 10 minutes. (Reference 2)

Varieties Of Seedless Grapes

Thompson grapes are white, seedless table grapes that are primarily grown for raisins. In fact, these grapes account for about 95 percent of grapes grown for raisins in California, according to the University of California. They are medium-sized, elliptically shaped grapes that have thin, crisp skin and dry naturally on the vine. Thompson seedless grapes are grown in Sunset Climate Zones 7 through 14, 18 and 19. One of the earliest ripening varieties is Selma Pete, a white grape that matures in the first week of August. Fantasy seedless grapes produce large black table grapes that ripen midseason. Sweet Scarlet grapes ripen in late August and were bred using more than 10 varieties, including Fresno seedless, Flame seedless and Autumn seedless grapes. Thomcord grapes are a hybrid of Thompson seedless and Concord grapes. You see, seedless grapes are not really seedless. They produce tiny seeds called embryos that do not mature into full-sized seeds. Instead, the embryos die and become part of the flesh in a process called stenospermocarpy.

  • Train your grapes by tying the two strongest leads to a stake or trellis with twine.
  • ( Sweet Scarlet grapes ripen in late August and were bred using more than 10 varieties, including Fresno seedless, Flame seedless and Autumn seedless grapes.

Things Needed

  • Trellis or stake
  • Twine


Black rot effects seedless grapes grown in humid climates. Apply fungicide to combat it. (Reference 2)


Compost or manure may be used instead of 10-10-10 fertilizer.
