How To Grow Paspalum

Things Needed

  • Seeds
  • Rake
  • Winterizing fertilizer
  • Lawn mower

Paspalum, also known as dallis grass, is an ornamental ground-covering grass that can be planted in tropical or boggy areas. Paspalum is hardy and can be planted to create lawns where other grasses cannot grow. Paspalum seeds are readily available at nurseries, gardening stores and online.

Step 1

Purchase paspalum seed. Paspalum grows best in heavy and moist clay soil.

Step 2

Rake the planting area thoroughly. Remove weeds and rocks from the area and discard them. Add clay soil for better germination if the soil in your area tends to be dry and light. Water the ground thoroughly before spreading the seeds.

  • Paspalum, also known as dallis grass, is an ornamental ground-covering grass that can be planted in tropical or boggy areas.
  • Paspalum is hardy and can be planted to create lawns where other grasses cannot grow.

Step 3

Sprinkle a thin layer of seeds over the planting area. The best time to spread the seeds is in spring, which is typically the beginning of the rainy season. Water the area whenever the ground is dry, and water more frequently immediately after germination. Once the grass has become established, avoid watering unless a severe drought occurs.

Step 4

Fertilize as the grass approximately six weeks before the first frost. Apply a winterizing fertilizer, which you can purchase at your local nursery, to prevent frost from destroying the grass during colder weather. Fertilize with 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of grass, or according to the directions on the fertilizer bag.

  • Sprinkle a thin layer of seeds over the planting area.
  • Apply a winterizing fertilizer, which you can purchase at your local nursery, to prevent frost from destroying the grass during colder weather.

Step 5

Mow the grass down to 1 inch before the first frost in order to prevent winter damage. Paspalum grass will usually not survive a frost if it is left at its natural height. Mowing the grass will ensure your grass will come back up in the spring.

Step 6

Sprinkle rock salt over the grass to prevent weeds. Paspalum is very tolerant of salt, while most weeds are not. Water when the weeds have died.
