How To Care For Forget Me Not Flowers

Things Needed

  • Spray bottle
  • Slow release granular fertilizer
  • Water soluble fertilizer (optional)
  • Insecticidal soap (optional)


Do not apply a granular fertilizer in addition to a water soluble mixture. Choose one method or the other to prevent over fertilization.

Forget-me-nots are water-loving plants that produce small, dainty blue flowers. They can be grown as annuals or perennials but typically perform as biennials in most climates. Forget-me-nots typically bloom very little during their first year of growth and bloom profusely in their second spring. Blooms continue from early spring until the first frost, and the plants remain dormant through winter. They usually will re-seed on their own if properly maintained and will reappear year after year.

Step 1

Plant forget-me-nots in an area that receives filtered to moderate shade and with wet gravelly soil. The natural habitat of forget-me-nots is near creek and stream beds in several inches of water. Select a planting area that is low and easy to keep wet. Sow seeds directly in the garden in early fall at least 12 inches apart and cover with 1/8 inch of moist soil.

  • Forget-me-nots are water-loving plants that produce small, dainty blue flowers.
  • Plant forget-me-nots in an area that receives filtered to moderate shade and with wet gravelly soil.

Step 2

Keep the soil around forget-me-not flowers moist at all times and never allow it to dry out. Adequate water is the most important factor in growing healthy forget-me-nots. Water daily in dry areas and enough to keep the soil constantly wet in cooler climates, usually once every two to three days.

Step 3

Mist the foliage frequently with warm water to increase humidity and help emulate the plant's natural environment. Fill a spray bottle with lime-free water and spray directly around the leaves about once a day. Misting twice a day may be necessary in very dry climates.

Step 4

Apply a slow-release granular fertilizer once a year in the early spring. Use according to the manufacturer's instructions for proper dosage and application. Alternatively, you may feed forget-me-not flowers once weekly from spring to fall using a water soluble fertilizer.

  • Keep the soil around forget-me-not flowers moist at all times and never allow it to dry out.
  • Alternatively, you may feed forget-me-not flowers once weekly from spring to fall using a water soluble fertilizer.

Step 5

Check the leaves regularly for signs of pests. Although they typically are pest-free when properly maintained, aphids sometimes attack new foliage growth. Knock them away with a forceful spray from a water hose or apply insecticidal soap to the leaves according to the manufacturer's directions if aphids.


  • Book: Perennial All-Stars: The 150 Best Perennials for Great-Looking, Trouble-Free Gardens; Jeff Cox; 2002
  • Book: Care free plants: a guide to growing the 200 hardiest, low-maintenance, long-living beauties; Reader's Digest; 2002
