How To Plant Seeds In Egg Cartons

Planting seeds need not be an expensive or fancy activity. Make planting seeds an entertaining and educational project to teach children introductory lessons about gardening. Even adults can benefit from learning how to start seeds indoors. An egg carton makes an ideal seed-planting container. Approximately six weeks before the last spring frost, fill each egg concavity with potting soil and then have fun choosing the seeds you will plant. Transfer the seedlings outside when the weather is warm enough to finish the planting process.

Step 1

Place the egg carton onto a tray to minimize mess, and then punch two or three holes in the bottom of each egg concavity with the nail for drainage.

  • Planting seeds need not be an expensive or fancy activity.
  • Place the egg carton onto a tray to minimize mess, and then punch two or three holes in the bottom of each egg concavity with the nail for drainage.

Step 2

Fill each egg concavity of the carton with potting soil.

Step 3

Determine the seeds you wish to grow.

Step 4

Place one or two seeds in each pot and follow the planting instructions for the seeds you are planting. Some seeds need only a slight dusting of potting soil over them while others need more soil on top.

Step 5

Moisten the potting soil by spraying with the spray bottle. Keep the potting soil evenly moist during germination.

Step 6

Watch for seedlings to emerge from the potting soil. Place the egg carton under the grow light after the seedlings sprout from the soil.

  • Fill each egg concavity of the carton with potting soil.
  • Place the egg carton under the grow light after the seedlings sprout from the soil.

Step 7

Thin the seedlings to one seedling per pot by removing the weakest seedling when they are approximately 1 inch high.

Step 8

Transplant the remaining seedlings to individual peat pots when they are approximately 2 inches tall. Transplant the seedlings outside when all danger of frost has passed.

Germinate Seeds In Egg Cartons

Garden centers are packed with supplies that simplify the process of planting seeds indoors, including garden trays, celled planting trays and biodegradable peat pots. Egg cartons are so simple to plant that even a young child can plant a junior garden. Poke a small drainage hole in the bottom of each egg cell, using the tip of a pencil or similar object. Fill the egg cells one-half to three-quarters full with potting mixture. Avoid regular garden soil, which is too heavy and soon becomes compacted, preventing free circulation of air and water through the soil. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of potting mixture. Don't over-water, as soggy soil prevents germination and may kill emerging seedlings. Most seeds germinate in temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix the solution at 1 tablespoon of fertilizer in 1 gallon of water.

  • Thin the seedlings to one seedling per pot by removing the weakest seedling when they are approximately 1 inch high.
  • Fill the egg cells one-half to three-quarters full with potting mixture.

Things Needed

  • Egg carton
  • Potting soil
  • Small nail
  • Tray
  • Seeds
  • Spray bottle filled with water
  • Grow light
  • Peat pots


Flower seed suggestions include marigolds, petunias, and zinnias. Vegetable seed suggestions include tomatoes, spinach, and cucumbers.
