Kubota Vs. Exmark Mowers

Choosing the right mower isn't just a matter of clipping your lawn — by choosing the right mower for your needs and the best value for your money, you save time and effort. Different mowers serve different purposes and can have different maintenance needs. Kubota and Exmark are just two of the major manufacturers that offer mowers for purchase by the general public.

Kubota Mowers

Kubota Mowers

Kubota Tractor Corporation offers a selection of residential and commercial riding mowers. The company offers four model lines: the T, F, GR and Z series. Both the T series and the GR series are rated for residential use. The F series and the Z series are recommended for commercial or residential mowing. Engines in the models range from 21 horsepower to 36 horsepower.

  • Choosing the right mower isn't just a matter of clipping your lawn — by choosing the right mower for your needs and the best value for your money, you save time and effort.
  • The F series and the Z series are recommended for commercial or residential mowing.

Exmark Mowers

Exmark Mowers

Exmark Manufacturing creates riding mowers, walk-behind mowers and stand-on mowers. Each type of mower includes multiple model options, except for the stand-on mower, which includes one model. The company also offers a line of mowers touted as "eco-friendly" models. Eco-friendly Exmark mowers come equipped with either propane-fueled motors or carburetor-less motors that utilize Kohler's Electronic Fuel Injection technology. Like Kubota, Exmark offers mowers rated for commercial and/or home use, depending on the make and model. Exmark does not advertise the horsepower of its mowers.



Kubota allows you to pick and choose features and specifications on its website to design a customized mower built to your specifications. Because of this, it is possible to get a custom riding mower with any of the features offered by the company. Exmark mowers are available only with stock options. Exmark touts its riding mowers as having zero-radius turn capability, allowing them to stop and maneuver easily. Kubota only makes this claim about its Z-series professional mowers.

  • Exmark Manufacturing creates riding mowers, walk-behind mowers and stand-on mowers.
  • Like Kubota, Exmark offers mowers rated for commercial and/or home use, depending on the make and model.



Kubota has a suggested maintenance schedule that applies to all of its mowers regardless of make or model. The maintenance schedule for Exmark mowers depends on the make or model. Both companies have the suggested maintenance schedule allotted in hours — after so many hours of use, owners should check certain parts of the machine. Both companies suggest a daily maintenance checklist consisting of monitoring for loose or damaged parts, fluid leaks and viability of safety features including brakes, blades and lights, if applicable. Kubota's suggested maintenance schedule begins after 50 hours of use. Some Exmark models require attention after as little as five hours of use.



Kubota mowers are covered under a limited warranty of at least 12 months. The duration of the warranty varies by model and use — mowers used for commercial purposes are covered for less time than those used for private home use on some, but not all, models. Exmark mowers are covered under warranty for one to five years, depending on model. Additionally, some models of Exmark mower are covered for a period of years or hours, whichever comes first. For example, Exmark Lazer Z X-Series riding mowers are covered for a period of five years or 750 hours.

  • Kubota has a suggested maintenance schedule that applies to all of its mowers regardless of make or model.
  • Additionally, some models of Exmark mower are covered for a period of years or hours, whichever comes first.
