How To Remove Agave Pups From The Mother Plant
Things Needed
- Mother agave plant (with pups)
- Shovel (optional)
- 1-gallon planting containers (one for each pup)
- Potting soil
- Gardening gloves
- Pruning shears
- Water-soluble fertilizer (20-20-20)
Agave plants are a variety of succulent that grows abundantly in hot and dry regions. Some gardeners grow agave plants as flourishing houseplants as well. After some time, a healthy agave plant will begin to put forth "pups" in the soil around the base of the plant. These pups are tiny new plants that you can separate from the parent plant. Remove agave pups from the mother plant and plant them in their own containers.
Step 1
Remove the mother agave plant from the planting container so you can see the entire root system. If the mother agave plant grows in the ground, remove it from the soil carefully with a shovel.
- Agave plants are a variety of succulent that grows abundantly in hot and dry regions.
- After some time, a healthy agave plant will begin to put forth "pups" in the soil around the base of the plant.
Step 2
Separate the pups from the mother plant while wearing gloves (to protect your hands from the sharp leaves). Gently pull the pups from the mother plant by working your fingers in between the roots of the mother plant and the roots of the pups until the pups come away from the mother.
Step 3
Replant the mother plant in the container or planting location. Firm the soil gently around the plant and moisten the soil lightly with water.
Step 4
Lay the pups onto a work surface so you can examine the roots. Remove as much soil from the roots of the pups as possible so you can see the roots clearly.
Step 5
Trim away the roots of the pups with the pruning shears. Leave only approximately ¼ inch of roots growing out of the pups and cut away all other root growth.
- Separate the pups from the mother plant while wearing gloves (to protect your hands from the sharp leaves).
- Remove as much soil from the roots of the pups as possible so you can see the roots clearly.
Step 6
Fill the planting containers with potting soil and make a small indentation in the center for the pup. Push the pup down into the potting soil and firm the soil gently around the pup. Water the newly planted pup just enough to moisten the potting soil.
Step 7
Fertilize the agave pups two weeks after planting by mixing the fertilizer with water according to package recommendations for a 1-gallon container. Apply the fertilizer to the soil around the pups. Fertilize the agave pups once per month during the growing season.
Allow the pups to grow in the 1-gallon containers for approximately one year and then consider repotting to a larger container.