How To Care For Cedar Trees In The Winter

Cedar trees, which are native to the Himalayas, are evergreen trees that are highly valued for their fragrance and beauty. There are three main types of cedar trees: the Lebanon cedar, the Mount Atlas cedar and the Deodar cedar. Cedar trees can grow to a height of 40 feet and a width of 15 or more feet. Cedars belong to the pine family, and require the same type of care to prepare them for the winter season.

Step 1

Use a pick to create holes in the ground around the cedar tree. The holes do not have to be in any certain pattern, but should be made 2 feet from the trunk of the tree. Complete this process in late fall, before the first frost occurs.

  • Cedar trees, which are native to the Himalayas, are evergreen trees that are highly valued for their fragrance and beauty.
  • Cedars belong to the pine family, and require the same type of care to prepare them for the winter season.

Step 2

Water the tree, focusing on the holes you created. Run the water for about 10 to 15 minutes to make sure the water reaches the tree's roots.

Step 3

Apply a 6- to 10-inch-thick layer of mulch around the base of the tree and up onto the visible portion of the tree trunk. The mulch will act as insulation for the roots, and can easily be removed in the spring.

Cedar Trees

A native of the Himalayas, deodar cedar is an imposing tree that may grow to heights of 150 feet in the wild, though in cultivation it typically peaks out at about 50 feet. The tree offers rich green, aromatic foliage and broad, spreading branches. Both trees can be grown in containers (so long as the pot has a hole in the bottom for drainage), which helps to inhibit growth. Deodar cultivars include "Pygmy," a mounding dwarf with bluish green foliage, and the weeping "Prostrata," which rarely exceeds a height of 10 feet. Small potted trees can be decorated with ornaments and lights and placed on either side of a doorway for a truly festive, and aromatic, ambience. Those wanting to go the extra mile can plant other Christmas-like plants such as hollies (Ilex spp. ),

  • Water the tree, focusing on the holes you created.
  • The mulch will act as insulation for the roots, and can easily be removed in the spring.

Things Needed

  • Pick
  • Water
  • Water hose
  • Mulch


Don't wrap the cedar tree in burlap. This common practice causes more damage than good; the wrapping process can easily break and bend the branches. Cedar trees are evergreens, and as such are fully capable of withstanding winter weather conditions.
