How To Sell Walnut Trees

Things Needed

  • Camera
  • Measuring tape
  • Telephone

If your yard is crowded with walnut trees, don't cut them down without planning first. That wood is valuable for timber or veneer, and selling off your walnut trees can finance your planned landscaping work. While you can sell the trees yourself, an experienced forester can help you estimate what trees to sell, determine a fair price for the tree's value and connect you with a buyer.

Step 1

Look over your walnut trees, examining them for wounds or defects on the branches. Measure the trees' width from "chest height" or 4-1/2 feet off the ground. A valuable lumber walnut has a diameter of 16 to 18 inches at chest height.

Step 2

Call your local county extension office and ask for help finding a forester. Whether you intend to sell your trees yourself or sell them through a forester, you need a forester's help to appraise the quality of your walnut trees. Call the forester and schedule an appointment.

  • If your yard is crowded with walnut trees, don't cut them down without planning first.
  • Whether you intend to sell your trees yourself or sell them through a forester, you need a forester's help to appraise the quality of your walnut trees.

Step 3

Show the forester your trees and discuss potential clients. The forester may encourage you to wait a couple of years until the trees mature, or he may suggest that certain trees are not commercially valuable due to poor shape and poor wood quality. Ask the forester to provide you with his professional estimate of your trees' value. Then ask for some recommendations of potential clients.

Step 4

Hire the forester to sell your trees to save you time and effort. Or attempt to sell them yourself using the strategies below.

Step 5

Photograph the trees you intend to sell. Create a listing the advertises the size and shape of your trees, using information from the forester's estimate. Include your contact information.

  • Show the forester your trees and discuss potential clients.

Step 6

Call any buyers the seller suggested. Inform them of your walnut trees, then provide them with photographs and your listing information. Let them know your deadline for accepting bids.

Step 7

Advertise your walnut trees for sale to local furniture makers, wood workers and artisans, using your telephone directory to find people. Forward them the listing information and photographs of your trees.

Step 8

Review any bids that come in. Choose a bid that offers the best price, evaluating the bids using the forester's recommended price. Contact the winning bidder to discuss the terms of removal.

  • Call any buyers the seller suggested.
  • Forward them the listing information and photographs of your trees.

Step 9

Notify garden centers and landscapers if your trees are immature and better suited for resale as yard trees. Accept bids for them in the same manner that you would for lumber trees.


Trees that can't be sold for lumber can still be sold for firewood. Have the tree cut down and split, then advertise firewood for sale in your community, using the newspaper, online message boards and flyers to advertise the firewood.
