How To Take Care Of A Rose Of Jericho

Things Needed

  • Rose of Jericho plant
  • Planting container with no drainage holes
  • Water
  • Small rocks/pebbles

The rose of Jericho is commonly referred to as a "resurrection plant" because of its ability to appear dead but spring back to life with no effort. This plant, scientifically known as Selaginella lepidophylla, is usually found growing in the desert or the southwestern United States, in the form of a dry ball of plant matter. Soon after a spring rain shower, the rose of Jericho unrolls and becomes full of life and thick, green foliage. The rose of Jericho is not particular in the type of growing soil, and is generally easy to care for.

Step 1

Fill a planting container that does not have any drainage holes with approximately 2 to 4 inches of small rocks or pebbles, depending on the size of the container. In a smaller container, 2 inches of rocks/pebbles will be sufficient whereas a larger container would require around 4 inches of gravel.

Step 2

Fill the container with water until the surface of the water is just above rocks or pebbles.

  • The rose of Jericho is commonly referred to as a "resurrection plant" because of its ability to appear dead but spring back to life with no effort.
  • Fill a planting container that does not have any drainage holes with approximately 2 to 4 inches of small rocks or pebbles, depending on the size of the container.

Step 3

Place the rose of Jericho plant on top of the gravel, so that the roots are resting in the water.

Step 4

Set the planting container in an area that does not receive direct sunlight or high-heat conditions, such as a window or a greenhouse. A good place for this plant would be a kitchen counter top. The rose of Jericho will do best in room temperature conditions.

Step 5

Ensure the container always has water resting above the gravel. The rose of Jericho will open for a while, until it has exhausted its internal moisture content. The plant will then curl back into is original "dead" position. After a short while (a few weeks), the plant will begin to open if water has been consistently provided by the grower.

  • Place the rose of Jericho plant on top of the gravel, so that the roots are resting in the water.
  • After a short while (a few weeks), the plant will begin to open if water has been consistently provided by the grower.
