Flowers That Grow In Sweden

Americans have the state flower; Sweden has the county flower. Most of these choices are native Swedish flowers that Americans will find familiar. These flowers commonly appear in meadows, countrysides and forests in Sweden. Sweden has a temperate climate but experiences a lot of rain. Hot summers are common in Sweden but decrease in length in the northern part of the country.



Viper's bugloss or blueweed is scientifically known as Echium vulgare. Located in meadows of the Swedish countryside, blueweed plants display light purple to blue flowers in the summer months. The small blossoms are 3/4 inches in diameter and feature a bright pink interior. Blueweed reaches 30 inches in height; its trumpet-shaped blossoms climb up a central stalk.

  • Americans have the state flower; Sweden has the county flower.
  • Located in meadows of the Swedish countryside, blueweed plants display light purple to blue flowers in the summer months.

Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley

A perennial plant that spreads easily, lily of the valley or Convallaria majalis is the county flower of Gästrikland, Sweden. These small plants average 6 inches in height. Their thick green leaves come to a point at the end. One central stalk develops bell-shaped white flowers; the flowers give way to red berries in the fall. Lily of the valley have a strongly sweet fragrance. Lily of the valley can grow in sun or shade, in moist or dry soils and neutral to low acid soils.

Arctic Starflower

Arctic Starflower

Arctic starflower or chickweed wintergreen grows in shady areas. This plant develops elongated ovoid leaves that are dark green with a purple tinge. The tiny white blossom bears six petals and features yellow stamens. Arctic starflower is Värmland's county flower.

  • A perennial plant that spreads easily, lily of the valley or Convallaria majalis is the county flower of Gästrikland, Sweden.



Flax plants have pale purple flowers with five round-edged petals and bright yellow centers that grow off of thin green stems. Flax flowers display thin ovoid leaves that are dark green in color. Native to Europe, these flowers are found throughout Swedish meadows and countryside. Flax is the county flower of Hälsingland, Sweden.

Viola Tricolor

Viola Tricolor

Johnny jumpups or viola tricolors are the county flower of Ångermanland, Sweden. These small violets display dark purple, light purple and yellow flowers in the early spring. Viola tricolor have ruffled dark green leaves and five petals that appear in a stacked formation.

  • Flax plants have pale purple flowers with five round-edged petals and bright yellow centers that grow off of thin green stems.
  • Viola tricolor have ruffled dark green leaves and five petals that appear in a stacked formation.
