Good Fruit Tree Varieties For Kentucky

According to the University of Kentucky, many fruit tree varieties grow well in Kentucky. Kentucky is located is USDA hardiness zone 6 with average temperatures ranging from -10 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Among the best varieties to grow in Kentucky are fruit trees that are resistant to many common diseases and pests.


Minimal pesticide (MP) apple tree varieties, which normally produce mature fruit with less pesticide treatments, in central Kentucky include Pristine (ripens July 14), Redfree (ripens July 25), Lodi (ripens July 1), Dayton (ripens August 10) and Liberty (ripens August 31). Other MP varieties include Jonafree and Pixie Crunch both of which ripen around September 5, Crimson Crisp (ripens September 15), Enterprise (ripens October 1), GoldRush (ripens October 10) and Sundance (ripens October 15).


Some peach tree varieties in western and eastern Kentucky have a very good resistance to flesh browning. Fruit ripening dates are calculate by the ripening dates of the Redhaven peace tree, which is one variety that is good to grow in Kentucky. In the eastern parts of Kentucky, the Redhaven ripens around August 5 and in western Kentucky July 25. Good varieties to grow in Kentucky include the Blushingstar and Coralstar, both of which ripen three to four weeks after the Redhaven.


Pawpaw trees listed as MP and grow very well in Kentucky are Zimmerman, Wabash, Taytwo, Taylor, Sweet Alice, Sunflower, Shenandoah, Prolific and Potomac. According to the Kentucky State University, pawpaw fruits are ripened from late August to mid-October in Kentucky. Pawpaws only stay fresh for a few days at room temperature, but will last up to one week in a refrigerator. However, fruit that is not yet ripe when placed in the refrigerator will stay fresh for up to three weeks.


Tart or sour cherries trees that require minimal pesticide care in Kentucky include North Star and Montmorency, which ripen in early July and Surefire, which ripen about five days after the Montmorency cherries. Sweet cherries trees do not do well in Kentucky, according to the University of Kentucky.
