Senecio Blue Chalk Plant Care & Maintenance

The Senecio Blue Chalk plant is a member of the cactus family and is often used as a groundcover although it can also be grown indoors. The leaves are a blue green color and are densely packed together. It produces blooms that are gold or white in color and often blooms repeatedly.

General Care

Plant a Senecio Blue Chalk plant in an area or pot that has well drained soil. If planting in a pot you can add a layer of pebbles or gravel to the bottom of the pot before adding soil to aid in drainage. Use any general purpose soil or one that is labeled as being a cactus mix. It can also be planted in a sandy soil when outdoors.

Senecio Blue Chalk plants tolerate droughts quite well so they do not require a large amount of water. Using to much water can lead to root rot and other problems. Watering once a week is generally enough but you should always check the soil first to ensure that it is not still damp before watering again.

Locate the plant in an area where it will receive full sun or only partial shade. These plants are toxic to farm animals so avoid planting in an area where horses or cows may roam.Cold temperatures can cause damage or even death to the plant. Keep plants alive during the colder months by moving indoors or covering with a layer of mulch or pine needles.

Fertilizing is not required with this plant but if you prefer to do so you should use a mild general purpose formula. Adding organic compost such as pine bark or manure is also an option with outdoor plants.


You can propagate a Senecio Blue Chalk using leaf or stem cuttings. Cut a leaf at a length of 6 inches and dip it in to a rooting hormone before planting it in a sandy soil that is loose and well drained. Keep the soil moist but not overly damp. When roots appear in 6 to 8 weeks the plant is established and can be planted outdoors or in a larger container.

Cut a stem 6 to 8 inches long and dip in a rooting hormone before placing it in a cool dry location to allow the cut end time to callous over. This will prevent rotting before roots are established. Once the cutting is ready plant in a soil that is similar to that of the parent plant and kept moist but not wet. Place the plant in an area where it will receive 8 to 10 hours of natural or artificial light each day.
