How To Re-Pot An Anthurium

Things Needed

  • Pot
  • Potting soil


Repot anthurium plants in spring when new growth is just beginning.


Do not repot anthuriums if they are suffering from disease, insects, drought stress or fertilizer stress. Wait until the plant returns to health, as the shock of repotting can kill a weak plant.

Tropical anthurium plants are most often grown as indoor plants, since outdoors they only survive in hot climates with mild winters. The plant features large, glossy leaves and a bright red inflorescence that sits atop a tall stalk. These plants flower almost year-round when properly cared for, thriving in warm rooms when supplied with adequate moisture and minimal fertilization. Anthuriums require repotting every two to three years so the roots don't become overcrowded as the plant grows.

Step 1

Fill the new pot with a 2-inch layer of potting soil. Use a pot one size larger than the current pot the anthurium is growing in, choosing one with at least one drainage hole in the bottom.

Step 2

Water the anthurium in its current pot until the excess moisture drains from the bottom. Leave it for 15 minutes so the soil is completely hydrated, which makes removal from the old pot easier.

  • Tropical anthurium plants are most often grown as indoor plants, since outdoors they only survive in hot climates with mild winters.
  • Anthuriums require repotting every two to three years so the roots don't become overcrowded as the plant grows.

Step 3

Place your hand over the top of the pot so the anthurium plant protrudes from between your fingers. Turn the pot upside down and slide the plant out of the pot while supporting the top of the soil with your other hand. Thump the sides firmly to loosen the root ball in the pot if it becomes stuck.

Step 4

Shake the roots gently, releasing the excess soil attached to them. Tease the bottom of the root ball with your fingertips carefully to loosen any compacted roots.

Step 5

Set the anthurium into its new pot. Adjust the amount of soil under the roots until the top of the root ball sits 1 1/2 inches beneath the rim of the new pot.

  • Place your hand over the top of the pot so the anthurium plant protrudes from between your fingers.
  • Tease the bottom of the root ball with your fingertips carefully to loosen any compacted roots.

Step 6

Fill in around the roots with additional potting soil until the anthurium is planted at the same depth it was growing at in its previous pot. Water the soil until the excess just begins to drip from the bottom of the pot, ensuring the soil is evenly moist throughout.
