The Best Time To Plant Strawberries In Arkansas

Strawberries, unlike many other fruits, grow on plants close along the ground, and put out their own runners for propagation. In Arkansas, strawberry plantings are split into two seasons.

Fall Planting

Many commercial growers plant their strawberries in the fall, to allow the plants to take root and establish over the winter for early spring blooming. When planting in fall, it's important to cover the strawberries with organic or plastic mulch to protect them through the winter.

Spring Planting

Most home gardeners choose to plant strawberries in the spring instead, for a more natural growing season. Spring plantings in Arkansas take place mid-April, when the ground has thawed to 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and is welcoming to young strawberry plants.

Location and Planting

Strawberries require plots that receive full sunshine all day, every day, to take advantage of the lush Arkansas warmth. The plants cannot tolerate crowding or wet feet, so in swampy areas of Arkansas, it's important to raise the beds or mix natural soil with plenty of quick-draining soil and compost.

  • Strawberries, unlike many other fruits, grow on plants close along the ground, and put out their own runners for propagation.
  • Most home gardeners choose to plant strawberries in the spring instead, for a more natural growing season.

Inches Apart Should You Plant Strawberries?

Planting strawberries in rows allows you to pick the berries easily. Mounds of dirt, 5 to 6 inches high and 6 to 12 inches wide, extend the entire length of the rows. If you don't have enough space in your garden for rows, you can plant strawberries on small hills. A depth of 6 to 8 inches, a width of 5 to 7 inches and a length of at least 18 inches is recommended by the Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County. Seascape strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa "Seascape") are another small, everbearing strawberry plant that will only grow to 8 inches tall, but spread up to 24 inches wide, so plan enough space for your Seascape strawberries to spread in your garden.
