How To Grow Grape Vines In Pots

Things Needed

  • 18-inch pot with drainage holes
  • Gravel
  • Potting soil
  • Perlite
  • Support stakes
  • Fertilizer


Place the pot outdoors during the summer months in an area that receives full sun. In the fall, take the pot indoors. Prune the grapevine in the first season as you take it inside for the winter. Look over the grapevine and find the strongest branch. Cut the others off to the ground.

If you have a small yard or live in an apartment, growing grapevines in pots is the perfect solution. According to the Fruit Expert, the best indoor varieties are Black Hamburgh and Thompson’s Seedless. The grapes that the vine produces can be eaten or left as food for birds. Growing grapevines in a container is a basic task, but the pot can become heavy to lift and move as it grows. Place the pot on a board with wheels. This will allow you to move the pot easily wherever and whenever you want.

Step 1

Find a pot that has at least an 18-inch diameter and is at least 1 foot deep. Make sure there are drainage holes at the bottom of the container.

Step 2

Pour 1 inch of gravel in the bottom of the pot.

Step 3

Mix equal amounts of potting soil and perlite. Fill the pot halfway with the amended potting soil.

Step 4

Remove the grapevine from its container. Gently tease them free if the roots are growing around the rootball.

Step 5

Place the grape’s rootball in the center of the container.

Step 6

Fill in with the amended soil around the rootball. Tamp the soil down to remove air bubbles. Leave at least 1 inch between the surface of the soil and the rim of the pot.

Step 7

Place a stake into the pot close to the rootball. Push it in so it rests on the bottom of the pot. Position the stake so the grapevine has something to grow against and provide support. Tie the branches to the stake with twist ties, string or strips of cloth as the vine grows.

Step 8

Water the grapevine to keep the soil moist, watering every two or three days. Cut back on watering during the dormant season. Stick your finger 1 inch into the soil. Water the vine when the soil feels dry.

Step 9

Feed the grapes a balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10 early in the spring. Read and follow label directions.
