Plants That Grow Well In Evening Sun
All plants need some amount of sun to grow well. However, there are many plants, perennials, groundcovers and grasses that cannot tolerate the direct heat of the mid-afternoon sun. These plants do well in partial shade and in the low-intensity sunlight of evenings. These plants are not categorized as shade plants, as shade constitutes entirely non-sunny areas. Plants that do well in the evening sun mostly require shade during the hottest period of the day, states The Garden
Algerian Ivy
Algerian Ivy
Algerian ivy (Hedera canariensis) is a clinging vine also referred to as North African ivy and Canary Island ivy. The plant has leathery, thick foliage with red stems. Algerian ivy grows well in areas that receive partial sun or are shaded. The vine is a native of Portugal, North Africa and the Canary Islands and thrives in subtropical and tropical environments. Algerian ivy adapts well to a variety of soils but prefers moist, rich soil. Algerian ivy is commonly used as a ground cover or houseplant, according to
Beard Tongue
Beard Tongue
Beard tongue (Penstemon spp.) are pink to violet-purple flowers that belong to the snapdragon family. The flowers also are known as gray beard tongue and penstemon. The one-inch long flowers grow in clusters on thick stems with lance-like foliage. Beard tongue flowers bloom from May to July and are commonly seen on rocky banks and roadsides. The plants thrive in areas of light shade; hence, they do well in evening sun. Beard tongue grows to a mature height of about two and a half feet and attracts butterflies, flies and hummingbirds.
Bitterroot (Lewisia) is a hardy perennial with stiff stems and rosette-like foliage. The plant blooms with cup-shaped, pink, white, purple or red flowers during spring and early summer. Bitterroot grows well in evening sun, as the plants have an affinity for partial sun. The plant can easily be propagated with seeds in fertile, moist soil with a pH of 5 to 8. Bitterroot plants are highly susceptible to crown rot and need protection from overhead watering, according to Plant