What Is The Meaning Of A Tiger Lily?

Throughout history, society has assigned to flowers specific meanings and symbolism that tie in with present culture. In modern days, tiger lilies are a common, recognizable flower full of similar representations that humans have placed upon them.


Tiger lilies are bright orange flowers spotted with black dots across the petals. They grow to be around 4 feet tall and are lightly scented.


According to various cultures in both eastern and western civilization, orange symbolizes the energy, balance and enthusiasm of man.


Tiger lily is presented in Buddhism and other religions as a flower of mercy and compassion. Although all lilies are associated with the goddesses Venus, Kwan Y'in and Juno, Tiger lilies are more connected to the aggressive aspects of the feminine.

  • Throughout history, society has assigned to flowers specific meanings and symbolism that tie in with present culture.
  • In modern days, tiger lilies are a common, recognizable flower full of similar representations that humans have placed upon them.


Tiger lilies carry a variety of viral diseases and can pass them on to other plant species. They are toxic to many cats and can cause vomiting, kidney failure and even death.


Tiger lilies are native to northern and eastern Asia and have spread rapidly to occur in both the United States and Canada, including British Columbia, California, Idaho and Nevada.

Long Does It Take A Tiger Lily To Bloom?

Tiger lilies can be planted in the spring or fall. Fall planting is recommended because the plants tend to develop a lot of roots over the winter, thereby becoming well-established, according to the Pacific Bulb Society. The lilies will sprout in the spring when the ground warms up. The stalks are lined with rows of small, lance-shaped leaves covered with fine hairs. If you live in a hotter climate, locate your plant where it will receive some afternoon shade, so the blooms aren't scorched by direct afternoon sun. In cooler climates, increase the hours of sunlight. Unfortunately, this threatens other lilies, because if your tiger lilies are carrying a disease, you might not even know it.

  • Tiger lilies carry a variety of viral diseases and can pass them on to other plant species.
  • The lilies will sprout in the spring when the ground warms up.

