How To Kill Myrtle

Things Needed

  • Bypass pruners
  • Black garbage bag
  • Rocks
  • Water
  • Glyphosate herbicide
  • Garden sprayer

Myrtle is also commonly known as Vinca minor, vinca, periwinkle or creeping myrtle. Used in many landscapes as a ground cover, myrtle features dark green leaves and blue flowers. Myrtle is a highly invasive vine that will quickly grow into other landscape plantings and features if left to grow on its own. Control of myrtle is accomplished through a variety of means that are available to the home landscaper or gardener.

Step 1

Cut the myrtle vines with bypass pruners. Trim the vines as close to the main stem as possible. Remove as much of the vine with pruners and by pulling as possible.

Step 2

Unfold a black garbage bag. Lay the bag across the area where the myrtle was growing. Place rocks on the edge of the bag to hold it in place. Leave the bag over the area where the myrtle was growing for at least 7 days. Check the area for new growth and prune as needed.

Step 3

Water actively growing myrtle heavily for a week to 10 days. Saturate the soil to promote stress and dieback in the myrtle. Myrtle is highly sensitive to high moisture levels and will die back in wet conditions.

Step 4

Mix 3 oz. of glyphosate herbicide with 1 gallon of water in a garden spray tank. Place the lid tightly on the spray tank and adjust the spray nozzle to a narrow stream.

Step 5

Spray the area where myrtle is growing with the glyphosate. Apply the glyphosate to the tops and bottoms of the myrtle leaves and vine. Monitor the vine for dieback over the next week. Apply more glyphosate to the myrtle as needed for control.
