How To Repair A Gate In A Chain Link Fence
Things Needed
- Chain link mesh
- 2 pairs of pliers
- Level
It is easiest to attach new chain link mesh on a gate beginning at the hinged side of a gate. This method will position the roll of mesh at the opening side of the gate and makes it easier to unweave the end of the mesh to detach it from the roll. Chain link mesh is a woven pattern that runs vertically and back and forth. Never cut chain link with wire cutters or it will not retain its shape. Always remove a strand and untwist to end a run of mesh for corners, terminal posts and on gates. Replace hinges instead of adjusting them if they are broken. Broken hinges will make a gate sag or lean and adjustments will only level the gate temporarily.
Chain link is a durable fencing material, but at times it requires repairs or adjustments. Gates can become unlevel or sag if the hinges need adjustments because the gate won't fully close. Kids climbing and riding on gates, trees falling on gates, and cars, golf carts or riding mowers bumping into gates lead to repairs of the bent or torn mesh and broken hinges. Most do-it-yourself homeowners can repair chain link gates with just a few tools and a minimal amount of time.
Step 1
Remove tension bands holding the mesh on a chain link gate by placing one set of pliers on the nut to hold it tight and a second pair of pliers on the bolt. Turn the bolt counterclockwise until it is loose enough to unscrew and remove from the tension band. Repeat this process to remove each tension band on the gate.
Step 2
Place the beginning end of the new chain link mesh on one side of the gate. Attach it to the left side with tension bands. Insert a tension band around the gate frame, and insert the chain link mesh through the tension band. Put the tension band bolt and nut through their slot in the tension band and hand tighten the nut. Use two pairs of pliers to hold the nut firmly, and turn the bolt clockwise until it is tight.
Step 3
Attach the mesh to the other side of the gate with tension bands in the same manner. Pull the mesh as tight as possible when attaching. Unweave the vertical strand of mesh that is just past the tension band to detach the mesh from its roll. Start at the top of the strand, and twist it counterclockwise with pliers. The strand will twist off from top to bottom and disconnect itself from the roll of mesh.
Step 4
Loosen the nuts and bolts on the hinges but do not remove. Tighten the top and bottom nuts and bolts by the same amount of turns with pliers on the top and bottom.
Step 5
Place a level on the top of the gate, and tighten the hinges until the gate is level both horizontally and vertically. Sagging gates and gates that do not close well benefit from leveling.