How To Get Rid Of Birds On Your Deck

Things Needed

  • Bird feeder
  • Bird spikes
  • Fake owl
  • Electronic bird repellent

Anyone who has experienced birds hanging around a deck knows how troublesome and obnoxious they can be. They are often noisy and leave behind unpleasant messes. Luckily, there are many ways to get rid of birds on your deck. Using the best methods of removing birds will ensure your deck stays clean, which will ensure the quality of the deck as well as promote a quiet and peaceful environment around your home.


Step 1

Ensure that your deck and the immediate area surrounding your deck is well-kept and free of leaves and debris. Birds often hang around areas that are poorly kept, because such areas often create a food source and an ideal nesting area for them. Keeping your deck clean will eliminate any kind of food source for nuisance birds, making them less likely to perch on or around your deck.

Step 2

Install a bird feeder either in your front yard or in an area far away from your deck. When setting up your bird feeder, hang it in a tree and away from any structures you would prefer the birds not to roost on. A properly placed bird feeder will be a popular spot for birds to congregate and make it less likely for them to hang around your deck.

Step 3

Head down to your local home and garden store and pick up set of "bird spikes." Bird spikes are small, pointy objects about 3 inches in length that are placed on any areas where birds roost. Place the spikes around the edges of any awning, rain gutter or ledge that hangs over your deck.

Step 4

Purchase a fake owl to be used as a deterrent. Owls are natural birds of prey and commonly scare off most birds. You can purchase a fake owl at home and garden stores such as The Home Depot and OSH. When setting up the owl, place it in an open and visible space where birds are likely to notice it.

Step 5

Buy an electronic bird repellent. Such a device sends out ultrasonic sound waves that are unbearable for birds. Although the signals being sent out will be loud to birds, you will never notice them. A popular company that manufactures such a product is Bird-X.
