The Mature Size Of Japanese Maples
A member of the maple (Aceraceae) family, Japanese maple trees grow best in USDA hardiness zones 5b through 8b. The tree is popular as a landscape and backyard garden option.
Average Size
Although mature size is largely dependent on cultivation–hundreds of different cultivars exist–the Japanese maple tree, Acer palmatum, averages a height of between 12 and 25 feet with a spread of 10 to 25 feet. However, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences indicates that smaller varieties exist.
Smaller Types
The University of Connecticut Integrated Pest Management system reports that smaller varieties, when mature, include the Bloodgood Japanese maple, a cultivar that achieves a height of 10 to 15 feet. The Butterfly Japanese maple reaches approximately 15 feet in height, and the Crimson Queen grows to between 8 and 10 feet tall.
Dwarf Japanese maples typically grow in size to a mature height of between 4 and 6 feet tall. The Shaina and Sharp's Pygmy are two examples, with each serving as options for landscape or indoor gardening. "There are the dwarf types that are better considered as shrubs, and although not tall, they need room to spread horizontally," according to an article on the Texas A&M University website.