How To Kill Tree Stumps With Milk

Placing powdered milk on a stump can actually help to expedite its breakdown and deterioration. The milk acts as a super food source for bacteria and fungi that often inhabit rotting wood. The milk provides additional nutrients that encourage the growth of bacteria and fungi, which speeds up the rotting process of the stump.

Step 1

Remove as much of the stump from above ground level as possible. Use a saw, axe or stump grinder to take the stump down to ground level.

Step 2

Score the top of the stump with an axe to create areas for holding the powdered milk. Vary the size and direction of the cuts.

  • Placing powdered milk on a stump can actually help to expedite its breakdown and deterioration.
  • Score the top of the stump with an axe to create areas for holding the powdered milk.

Step 3

Wet the top of the stump with a mixture of household plant food and water. Mix 1 tbsp. of indoor plant food per gallon of water. Mix 3 to 4 gallons of water as a rule of thumb. The plant food will provide extra nitrogen for the rotting process.

Step 4

Sprinkle the powdered milk over the top of the wet tree stump. Work the powdered milk into the cuts and scoring on top of the stump.

  • Wet the top of the stump with a mixture of household plant food and water.

Step 5

Cover the stump with dirt. Shovel 2 to 3 inches of topsoil or potting soil onto the stump to completely cover it. Apply water to the stump periodically to encourage bacteria and fungi and add more dirt as necessary to keep it covered.

Kill Tree Roots With Milk

One way to kill the root system on a tree stump is to rot out the stump. The rot will travel down into the roots and eventually destroy them. You can use chemicals to complete a tree stump rotting or you can use powdered milk, which you can get from just about any grocery store. Drill as many 1-inch holes through the top of the tree stump as you can. Drill down as deep as the drill will allow. Pack the holes with powdered milk. The use of milk is an organic alternative to using chemicals such as nitrogen fertilizer. Remove the mulch and tarp once per week. This is an indication that the milk is working. You can stop treating the stump once the stump crumbles in your hand.

  • Cover the stump with dirt.
  • Apply water to the stump periodically to encourage bacteria and fungi and add more dirt as necessary to keep it covered.

Things Needed

  • Ax, saw or grinder
  • Powdered milk
  • Household plant food
  • Shovel
  • Dirt
