Lawn Equipment For Picking Up Acorns
Too many acorns on a lawn or in a garden can have several adverse effects. The nuts may sprout, causing oak seedlings to grow where they are not wanted. The acorns can also impede the growth of grass and cause pain or injury when stepped on or shot out by a mower. There are several types of equipment that will help pick up acorns, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
A rake is a classic tool for picking up acorns. Dragging a rake across a lawn will trap acorns and gather them in a pile. Unfortunately, a rake is not an ideal tool for this task because it also gathers leaves, rocks, sticks, dirt and even some grass. Raking up acorns is also very time-consuming.
Leaf Vacuum
A leaf vacuum is a large piece of equipment designed to suck up leaves. A small motor powers the vacuum and sucks yard debris into a large storage bag. But only the most powerful leaf vacuums are strong enough to suck up acorns from a lawn.
Lawn Sweeper
A lawn sweeper is a piece of equipment designed to quickly clear a yard of leaves, acorns, sticks, rocks and other debris. Lawn sweepers attach to the back of a riding lawn mower or tractor and collect debris in its path. Some sweepers work similarly to a dustpan by scooping up the debris. Other sweepers work like a leaf vacuum by using suction to pick up acorns and other debris. Lawn sweepers are a good solution to problem acorns if you have a riding mower.
Nut Bagger
A nut bagger is a piece of equipment specifically designed for picking up nuts from a yard. A nut bagger is a long pole with a wire basket attached to the end of it. Pushing the basket across the yard gathers acorns or other nuts inside the nut bagger. When finished, a simple cage opening will drop the acorns into the trash or wherever else you might want to dump them.