How To Install Landscape Rock
Things Needed
- Tape measure
- Weed barrier
- Scissors
- Shovel
- Garden hose
- Wheelbarrow
- Wide-toothed rake
If the rock pile is not located near where you are installing it, place it into a wheelbarrow for easy transportation.
Landscape rock is an alternative to using pine straw and mulch in flower beds. Although landscape rock is heavier and more expensive than other types of ground cover, it does not decompose and thus does not have to be replaced. In addition, the weight of the rock prevents it from being blown away in the wind or scattered by animals. Installing landscape rock requires several steps that must all be followed so that the landscaping lasts for as long as possible.
Step 1
Measure the length and width of the area where the rock will be installed using a tape measure. Multiply the width and the length to arrive at the square footage for the area. For example, if the area is 18 feet long by 12 feet wide the square footage of the area is 216.
Step 2
Divide the square footage number by 80 to determine the number of tons of landscaping rock you need. Using the above example you would divide 216 by 80 to arrive at 2.7 tons of rock. This provides a 3-inch-deep layer, which is appropriate for most installations.
Step 3
Order the appropriate number of tons of landscape rock from a garden center and have it delivered to your home.
Step 4
Remove all weeds from the landscape area by pulling them out with your hands and discarding them.
Step 5
Place a roll of weed barrier fabric at the edge of the planting area and unroll it until you reach the other end. Cut the fabric off the roll using scissors.
Step 6
Place the roll of weed barrier fabric next to the first row and overlap the edges by 4 inches. Unroll the fabric until reaching the end of the area. Continue until all of the area is covered in weed barrier fabric.
Step 7
Pick up a shovelful of landscaping rock from the pile that was delivered by the garden center. Place the shovel of rock on top of the weed barrier fabric starting at the edge farthest away from building and walls.
Step 8
Continue adding rock using this method until the entire area has been covered in a 3-inch-thick layer of landscaping rock.
Step 9
Smooth out the top of the landscaping rock using a wide-toothed rake until the surface is uniform.
Step 10
Spray the top of the landscaping rock with water from a garden hose to rinse away any dust and dirt from the top.