Home Remedy Of Vinegar For Gnats

Gnats are pesky insects that can infest areas of the home and garden. These tiny creatures multiply quickly, and when outdoors usually collect in swarms, making it unpleasant to walk through an entire area of lawn. Insect sprays can take care of the problem, but can be expensive and contain chemicals. A simple home remedy using vinegar will work just as effectively.

Using Vinegar

Gnats are attracted to the scent of vinegar, specifically apple cider vinegar, which gives off a strong fruity scent that gnats enjoy. You have a few options regarding how to use the vinegar.

First, you can simply place a few dishes of vinegar around the home or garden, and many gnats will come to the vinegar and drown. Adding a few drops of liquid dish detergent to the vinegar will assist in creating a sticky texture that will trap the gnats.

Alternately, you can pour about one inch of vinegar into a few dishes, jars or cups. Cover with plastic wrap and poke a few holes in the wrap. This will allow gnats to enter through the holes, where they will most times be unable to escape. Add a few drops of liquid dish soap to the solution if you like, but this is not necessary.

Using Other Home Remedies

Peppermint is a natural repellent that will keep gnats away from the home and garden. The easiest way to make a solution is to simply purchase a bottle of peppermint essential oil from the grocery store or nutritional supplement store. In a spray bottle, mix two cups of water with a spoonful of liquid dish soap and 20 drops of peppermint essential oil. Spray around the home, garden and lawn every few weeks or as needed to keep gnats at bay. The peppermint will repel while the dish soap works as an adhesive which will allow the solution to stick to grass, plant leaves, etc. for an extended period of time.

Tea tree oil is another natural insect repellent that will keep gnats away from the home. For gnats in the home, place a few drops around the home in the kitchen, as well as other rooms that experience gnat problems. For larger areas, mix two cups of water and 20 drops of tea tree oil in a spray bottle, with a spoonful of liquid dish soap. Spray around the home and lawn to keep gnats at bay.

