How To Get The Film Off Of The Top Of The Water In A Pool

A film on top of the water in a swimming pool can be the result of several things. A lack of water circulation may be creating stagnant water. Or, dust, pollen and other air pollutants may be settling in the water, requiring pool skimming and filtering. In rare cases a film can represent a problem in water chemistry.

Step 1

Test the water first to ensure the chemicals are properly balanced, using a water testing kit or test strips. Take measurements for pH, alkalinity and total chlorine and add chemicals as needed. This will vary depending on the reading of the testing kit.

  • A film on top of the water in a swimming pool can be the result of several things.
  • In rare cases a film can represent a problem in water chemistry.

Step 2

Turn the filter on. Empty skimmer baskets to guarantee there is not blockage. Let the filter run for at least 24 hours and see if there is an improvement. This will solve most cases of filmy, slimy water.

Step 3

Skim the top of the pool for debris that may have settled on the pool surface. Add one pound of diluted granular shock to the water for every 7,000 gallons of pool water. Run the filter for 24 hours and retest the water. The slimy looking film can be an early onset of algae.

  • Empty skimmer baskets to guarantee there is not blockage.
  • Let the filter run for at least 24 hours and see if there is an improvement.

Pool Has A Film On The Top & Bubbles In The Skimmer Box?

Swimming pools require a consistent regimen of maintenance and chemicals in order to remain clean and clear. These are both signs that the water's calcium hardness and sanitizer levels may need to be balanced. A drop in calcium levels
* Cleaning products
* Overapplication of algaecides
* Air in the pool pump's water lines
The most common cause of foamy pool water is a drop in calcium hardness levels in your pool. This is more casually known as "soft water." The same residues that cause a film on the top of the water can also cause foamy pool water. If the filter does not have enough water going through the system, air enters the lines. Immediately run the filter and shock the swimming pool water—it's likely that the water will soon become cloudy if a film is starting to appear on the surface. To do so, add 1 gallon of liquid shock for every 7,000 gallons of pool water and broadcast it over the surface.

  • Swimming pools require a consistent regimen of maintenance and chemicals in order to remain clean and clear.
  • Immediately run the filter and shock the swimming pool water—it's likely that the water will soon become cloudy if a film is starting to appear on the surface.

Things Needed

  • Testing kit
  • Pool skimmer net
