How To Paint A Fiberglass Pool

Things Needed

  • Tri-sodium phosphate
  • Long-handled brush
  • Epoxy paint
  • Roller
  • Painter's tape


Remove any leaves, sticks or other debris that may have fallen in the pool after you clean it. A leaf blower can make this job easier.


Use gloves, protective clothing and eye protection when using TSP to avoid burns to the skin or eyes.

The finish of your fiberglass pool can fade after years of use and exposure to the weather and pool chemicals. While you can hire a company to paint your pool, special paint makes it possible to restore the finish and appearance of your pool by painting it yourself. Careful cleaning and preparation before painting is crucial to obtaining the smoothest, most uniform painted surface. Fiberglass pool painting should be performed during warmer weather, as colder temperatures can interfere with drying and appearance of the paint.

Step 1

Drain your pool and clean any puddles of water. Remove leaves and other debris from the walls and floor.

Step 2

Use coarse sandpaper to sand the pool in straight lines. Avoid using an orbital sander on the fiberglass. Paint adheres better to straight lines than circular lines.

  • The finish of your fiberglass pool can fade after years of use and exposure to the weather and pool chemicals.
  • Fiberglass pool painting should be performed during warmer weather, as colder temperatures can interfere with drying and appearance of the paint.

Step 3

Mix half a cup of tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) with two gallons of warm water and use this mixture to clean the pool with a long-handled brush. TSP can be found at home improvement stores. Rinse the pool with clean water after cleaning.

Step 4

Let the pool dry for at least three days before painting. Be sure to remove any small puddles of water left after cleaning. When the pool is dry, use painter's tape to protect the ladder, lights and other fittings in the pool from stray paint.

Step 5

Buy epoxy paint made just for pool use. This paint may be purchased at local pool supply stores. The paint can also be bought online at such companies as and (see Resources).

  • Mix half a cup of tri-sodium phosphate (TSP) with two gallons of warm water and use this mixture to clean the pool with a long-handled brush.
  • Buy epoxy paint made just for pool use.

Step 6

Stir the pool paint well and apply to the pool walls with a roller, beginning in the deep end. If your pool is particularly deep, you may need to add an extension pole to the roller to reach the top of the pool walls. Paint the floor last.

Step 7

Allow the pool to dry for at least five days and remove the painter's tape. Fill the pool with water and begin enjoying your refinished pool.

