How To Get Soap Bubbles Out Of A Swimming Pool

Things Needed

  • Pool skimmer
  • White vinegar
  • Spray bottle

Soap bubbles develop in your pool if you haven't cleaned the pool in a while, when the pH is not balanced properly or if you accidentally drop detergent in your pool. You can remove these bubbles manually with a skimmer and then chemically with white vinegar. Prevent bubbles from developing by balancing the pH level in your pool and cleaning it more thoroughly.

Step 1

Scoop the soap bubbles out of the pool with a pool skimmer. Throw the bubbles into your trashcan. This process will remove most of the bubbles.

Step 2

Mix 2 cups water with 2 cups white vinegar. Pour the solution into a spray bottle.

Step 3

Mist the rest of the bubbles with the solution. This will immediately remove the rest of the bubbles. Use as little vinegar as possible as too much vinegar may cause a pH imbalance.
