How To Increase Water Pressure In A Well-X-Trol

Things Needed

  • Air-pressure gauge
  • Air pump
  • Screwdriver set

A Well-X-Trol well-water tank uses a pressurized butyl diaphragm to maintain water pressure. The diaphragm isolates the tank's water storage area from the pressurized air. As water from a well pump fills the Well-X-Trol, the diaphragm stretches and the air above the diaphragm compresses. When a plumbing faucet opens, the pressurized air in the Well-X-Trol forces the tank's stored water into the plumbing pipes. Raising the pressure sensor's cut-on and cut-out switches increases the water pressure in the Well-X-Trol.

Step 1

Turn off the well pump's circuit breaker. Open a faucet and drain all the water from the Well-X-Trol. When the water flow from the faucet stops, close the faucet.

Step 2

Remove the Well-X-Trol tank's air valve cap, located on top of the tank. Turn the air valve cap counterclockwise by hand.

Step 3

Inspect the Well-X-Trol's identification label. This lists the factory's air-pressure setting and the tank's maximum water pressure.

Step 4

Check the air pressure in the Well-X-Trol tank with an air-pressure gauge. Compare the air-pressure gauge's reading with the Well-X-Trol's stated air-pressure factory setting. The gauge's reading must remain within 10 percent of the factory setting. If the tank's air pressure exceeds the factory setting's limit, depress the air valve's needle valve for 10 seconds and retest. If the Well-X-Trol tank's air pressure drops below 10 percent of the factory setting, add air to the tank with an air pump until the pressure reaches the factory setting.

Step 5

Set the Well-X-Trol's air valve cap on the air valve. Hand-tighten the air valve's cap.

Step 6

Remove the well pump's pressure sensor cover, using the correct screwdriver. The pressure sensor mounts to either the well pump or the water line between the well pump and the Well-X-Trol. The sensor's cut-out and cut-on switches usually use 1/4-, 5/15- or 3/8-inch hex-head adjustment bolts. The proper size hex-head screwdriver turns the adjustment bolts.

Step 7

Turn on the well pump's circuit breaker. Observe the well pump's pressure gauge as the Well-X-Trol fills. If the pressure gauge exceeds the Well-X-Trol's stated maximum water pressure, turn off the well pump's circuit breaker and lower the pressure sensor's cut-out switch. If the well pump turns off before reaching the maximum water pressure, turn off the circuit breaker and increase the pressure sensor's cut-out switch. Drain the Well-X-Trol, turn on the well pump's circuit breaker and retest the sensor's cut-out level.

Step 8

Open a faucet and observe the well pump and the faucet. If the well pump turns on after the Well-X-Trol stops forcing water out of the faucet, turn off the well pump's circuit breaker and increase the sensor's cut-on switch. Turn on the circuit breaker and retest the sensor's cut-on level.

Step 9

Replace the pressure sensor's cover.
