How To Protect A Screen Porch From Squirrels
Things Needed
- 1 qt. water
- 2 chopped onions
- 1 jalapeno
- Cayenne pepper
- Spray bottle
- Mothballs
- Old socks
- Hardware cloth
- Coyote urine powder
- Live trap
Reapply repellent treatments every few days. Repeat applications are necessary to maintain effectiveness.
Squirrels may appear cute and harmless, but they can be very destructive to your home and yard. These pesky critters are especially known for chewing through screened porches. They're also known for being very agile and persistent animals. Chewing through screened porches is their gateway to a warm and safe habitat. Once inside, they will continue to visit your property unless you take actions to break their habit. Thankfully there are several proven methods to help squirrel-proof your property.
Step 1
Mix together water, chopped onions, jalapeno and cayenne pepper. Pour the concoction into a spray bottle, and spray on your screened porch to deter squirrels.
Step 2
Place mothball-filled socks outside your porch to discourage chewing. The toxin in mothballs (naphthalene) acts as a respiratory irritant to them.
Step 3
Fasten a type of hardware barrier where the critters have been chewing. You can choose from chicken wire, hardware cloth or 1- to 2-inch metal mesh.
Step 4
Purchase a powder treated with coyote urine at a local home improvement store. The presence of the smell is known to trigger the squirrel's inborn fear instinct and keep it away from your property.
Step 5
Check with your township about placing live traps. They may require a permit or a professional trapper to relocate the squirrel. If you are allowed to trap, visit your local sporting goods or garden supply store for a selection of live animal traps. Do some detective work to determine the best place to set up your trap. Bait the trap with corn or peanut butter, and check twice daily. Once you've successfully trapped your squirrel, release it at least two or three miles away to prevent their return.